Post 03/13/2017 14:51     Subject: Re:What is it with the SUV drivers!


Some SUV drivers buy SUVs because they hope the safety provided by a big, heavy vehicle will compensate for their lack of driving skills.

Some SUV drivers were perfectly good drivers to start with but became more careless once they enjoyed the extra protection provided by an SUV

When SUV drivers make mistakes, they're more noticeable because they're driving larger vehicles.

Many SUV drivers are probably perfectly good drivers, but you remember the ones who aren't.

Post 03/13/2017 14:28     Subject: Re:What is it with the SUV drivers!

Humorous as it may be to read, there definitely appears to be some fire with this smoke. The SUV driving is indeed dreadful.
Post 03/13/2017 11:54     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Does anyone else find the vitriol on both sides of this issue a little humorous?

Happy Monday!
Post 03/13/2017 10:09     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Excellent. My minivan is starting to show its age, and I'm confident the SUV drivers are fully insured, so I'll just ride alongside them and wait for them to sideswipe me.
Post 03/13/2017 09:59     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

They only cut off moms who use the word "whilst"
Post 03/13/2017 09:54     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Scientifically, the answer is this: SUV drivers sit higher up and have slightly more visibility. Some of them therefore take advantage of that to drive into situations where the lower-sitting driver might not decide to go, since the lack of visibility might not make it a safe calculation for them.

There are plenty of SUV drivers who drive safely and cautiously. But more visibility, when you are already an aggressive driver, will give you that edge.

Post 03/13/2017 09:54     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Anonymous wrote:OP, the problem is you. It keeps happening to you, then you are the problem.

Post 03/13/2017 09:53     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Anonymous wrote:OP, the problem is you. It keeps happening to you, then you are the problem.

Agree that you are the problem. I run into terrible drivers all over DC and they have all sorts of cars. For you to single out particular cars at a particular place is very odd.
Post 03/13/2017 09:47     Subject: Re:What is it with the SUV drivers!

You are ridiculous OP. I have been driving on the Close for many years too. To single out SUV drivers says more about you than about those drivers. And to be “cut off” twice in one day suggests more about your driving than others - you may want to engage in some self-reflection.

I never see parents or boys driving "aggressively" or cutting others off. What I do see is parents who don’t seem to understand that they need to be more aware and considerate of others. Come on people it is not rocket science: drive on the correct side of the road not in the middle of it hogging two lanes of traffic, use the proper exit lane as marked (don’t turn left from the right lane), if you are waiting for your kid in the afternoon/evening, pull up as other cars depart and make room for other people who are also picking up their kids, and for god’s sake, don’t hold everyone else up blocking the thoroughfare because your kid takes forever to get his stuff together in the morning.

My personal pet peeve is the last - those parents who block senior circle or Hearst Hall circle because your child doesn’t have it together and takes 5+ minutes to gather his or her stuff in the morning, get gear out of your trunk that could have been in the back seat, all the while shoving books and papers and sports gear into backpacks and bags as he is getting out of the car completely disorganized and unprepared. And more often than not those kids have parents/drivers who get out too to "help" their kid. You aren’t helping your kid, you are infantilizing him. It’s selfish and incredibly rude to the people stuck behind you whose kids got organized before they left the house and get right out of the car with all their stuff.
Post 03/13/2017 08:38     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Alpha moms, get used to it. The DC area in general has the most insecure assortment of parents (mothers in particular), that I have ever encountered.
Post 03/13/2017 08:34     Subject: Re:What is it with the SUV drivers!

NP here. I've been driving in the same are for also 15 years.....this poster has encountered the problem. Doubtful it was my driving.
Post 03/12/2017 22:21     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Anonymous wrote:OP, the problem is you. It keeps happening to you, then you are the problem.

+1. I am always so surprised by these posts. I have been driving on the close for 15 relays or so and never seen a problem
Post 03/12/2017 21:47     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

OP, the problem is you. It keeps happening to you, then you are the problem.
Post 03/12/2017 21:21     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Anonymous wrote:Cut off on Thursday whilst on Cathedral grounds by large white and black SUVs in separate unrelated incidents (on the same day!). 1st time i though well maybe my fault (perhaps i didn't see the vehicle?) 2nd time no way. Clearly it was a demonstration of "get out of way lady, here I come". Terrible driving. Can the SUV drivers take it easy?

+1 experienced it.
Post 03/12/2017 21:07     Subject: What is it with the SUV drivers!

Cut off on Thursday whilst on Cathedral grounds by large white and black SUVs in separate unrelated incidents (on the same day!). 1st time i though well maybe my fault (perhaps i didn't see the vehicle?) 2nd time no way. Clearly it was a demonstration of "get out of way lady, here I come". Terrible driving. Can the SUV drivers take it easy?