Post 06/10/2014 16:56     Subject: Re:Ditching the sugar

Thanks everyone. I'll try Stevia. I loathe diet sugar (I'd rather just not have any sugar or drink water).
Post 06/10/2014 14:12     Subject: Ditching the sugar

I use stevia/truvia. It's fine. Not sugar, but better than nothing and better for you.
Post 06/10/2014 13:53     Subject: Ditching the sugar

I'll chime in here, as my skin also suffered from my sugar addiction. And since I've kicked the habit I am much healthier overall, and I don't miss sweets.

Also stay away from any kind of artificial sweetener. You might even have to cut down on most fruit for a while.

Good news - there is still a world of things out there that you can still eat.

Good luck, OP!
Post 06/10/2014 10:23     Subject: Ditching the sugar

Eliminating grains, dairy, sugar and soy were the best thing I ever did for my skin.
Post 06/10/2014 10:19     Subject: Ditching the sugar

First of all OP, I feel your pain as I still get teenage breakouts and I am almost 50! I was always told I would grow out of it ... "They" lied!

My skin is at its absolute, unbelievable best when I cut out sugar, wheat, and milk (but still have lots of cheese, butter, and heavy weight cream). Coconut oil and grassfed butter are very good for your skin ... Eaten, not applied like lotion! And lots of lowcarb veggies and fruits along with modest protein. Sort of low carb diet but without strict counting to ensure lots of the veggies and fruit.

My sister's skin has improved with daily green smoothies, although hers was never as bad as mine.

For your tea, have you tried stevia instead of sugar? I won't lie ... It is not as tasty as sugar, but pretty close!

Good luck!

Ps I do drink lots of water, but I never noticed it did much for my acne. Plus, as a teacher you might not be able to trot off to the bathroom all the time!
Post 06/10/2014 06:59     Subject: Re:Ditching the sugar

Thanks everyone. I'm a teacher so I think something like this is best done when school lets out in another week or so. My friend on FB did do the 30 Day Challenge so I will ask her about it. I can see a huge withdrawal headache coming but it's worth a try. I feel like a teenager again with my skin looking so terrible and I have no idea how long it will look this way while I TTC.
Post 06/10/2014 05:20     Subject: Ditching the sugar

I went paleo and so did my husband. Once I set my mond to it, it was not hard. Sugar headaches for 2 days.
Post 06/10/2014 04:40     Subject: Ditching the sugar

A co-worker in her thirties struggles with acne. In April, I noticed how gorgeous her was as she was telling me that she was doing Whole 30. It's a 30-day challenge where you have no sugar, dairy, grains, legumes or soy. Basically it's fruits, veggies, meat and nuts.

You absolutely can give up your Turkey Hill iced tea. For 30 days you can do anything. It takes a lot of prep, but it is totally worth it. You will be amazed by what happens when you drop the dairy and sugar. I am the LAST person who thought I'd ever say I am getting by without cheese and my vanilla syrup in my coffee. But it really can happen. You will have a headache the first week, and then the craving is gone. The more sugar you have, the more you need it.

Try it and see how your skin reacts. Google Whole 30. There are some threads here on DCUM.
Post 06/10/2014 03:29     Subject: Ditching the sugar

Anonymous wrote:I got rid of my cystic acne by cutting dairy and grains and limiting sugar. I have been adding back some grains successfully. It was worth it! I know people thought I was depriving myself but that was better than not wanting to go out or look at people in the eye. And now I'm adding food back in. It is hard in the beginning but gets so much easier. Good luck!

Oh, and I used a good probiotic and cod liver oil.
Post 06/10/2014 03:29     Subject: Ditching the sugar

I got rid of my cystic acne by cutting dairy and grains and limiting sugar. I have been adding back some grains successfully. It was worth it! I know people thought I was depriving myself but that was better than not wanting to go out or look at people in the eye. And now I'm adding food back in. It is hard in the beginning but gets so much easier. Good luck!
Post 06/10/2014 01:16     Subject: Ditching the sugar

You could try a total body cleanse or a more specific cleanse. I just finished a ParaGone cleanse by Renew Life (I've since discovered other cheaper brands). Briefly sugar craving (other cravings too) are caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut. The cleanse gets rid of those then you follow with a high quality probiotic to repopulate the gut flora. It worked like a charm for me and others I know.

Signed -
A former "sweet tea" addict
Post 06/09/2014 23:15     Subject: Ditching the sugar

Squeeze fruit into your tea it use fruit juice to sweeten. Gradually cut the ratio. Soon you won't miss the sweetness.
Post 06/09/2014 23:10     Subject: Re:Ditching the sugar

I don't think there's any correlation between sugar and acne, but it couldn't hurt to cut down on your sugar intake.
Post 06/09/2014 23:06     Subject: Ditching the sugar

Make your own sweet tea... While it is steeping, add a pinch of baking soda. It neutralizes the tannins making it taste less bitter so you can sweeten it with less sugar.
Post 06/09/2014 21:31     Subject: Ditching the sugar

I have cystic acne and stopped the BCP this fall to try to conceive Baby #2. I conceived #1 within the first few months so I didn't see my skin go crazy from stopping the BCP. But since it has taken so long this time, my skin has gone from clear to looking like a pimply faced teenager. I have 2 questions. 1) What have you used/done to help with the acne while TTC? 2) I've read that cutting way down on sugar and dairy helps curb acne. Has anyone found this to be true? I am eating better (more fruits and salads) but I think I am so hooked on sugar that I might go into shock. I am not a big soda drinker but I love Turkey Hill iced tea. I drink 2 full glasses of it per day. I don't mind making my own iced tea but I still need some sugar in it. I think I could give up most of my other sources of sugar much easier than my beloved iced tea.