Post 04/04/2014 19:29     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Did you have a thick lining with your first child also? My lining was 7.4 mm with my DS, so the fact that it's now 8 mm means it's comparable. if it had been 10 or 11 before and now was only getting an 8, I'd be concerned, but it's actually thicker than it ever was, so that has to be a good sign?
Post 04/04/2014 19:19     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Anonymous wrote:17:43 poster- so good to hear from you. We just had a chemical with our FET. my RE says he has no reason to think something is wrong with the uterus, but only time will tell, obviously. I had a saline sono a month after the surgery and the cavity looked normal, and my lining has been good (over 8 mm) on my FET so far. With my DS, my lining was only 7.4 mm, so even before Asherman's I never had a terribly thick lining. In fact, it's been thicker these two FET after the surgery and Asherman's then it was before I had my son.

How was your lining on your first FET?

Yes, I do have more frozen embryos- 5 more blasts (although we're at the bottom of the barrel of what we have left, so quality/grading isn't as good).

I have no reason to be this paranoid, but the Asherman's thing made me feel like I am doomed now. Did you do any follow up scopes or HSG/SHG after the surgery or just proceeded right away with an FET?

the only notes I have about my lining was that on CD10 it was ~9mm and already triple striped. no saline sono/scopes before FET.

good luck!
Post 04/04/2014 18:49     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

17:43 poster- so good to hear from you. We just had a chemical with our FET. my RE says he has no reason to think something is wrong with the uterus, but only time will tell, obviously. I had a saline sono a month after the surgery and the cavity looked normal, and my lining has been good (over 8 mm) on my FET so far. With my DS, my lining was only 7.4 mm, so even before Asherman's I never had a terribly thick lining. In fact, it's been thicker these two FET after the surgery and Asherman's then it was before I had my son.

How was your lining on your first FET?

Yes, I do have more frozen embryos- 5 more blasts (although we're at the bottom of the barrel of what we have left, so quality/grading isn't as good).

I have no reason to be this paranoid, but the Asherman's thing made me feel like I am doomed now. Did you do any follow up scopes or HSG/SHG after the surgery or just proceeded right away with an FET?
Post 04/04/2014 17:43     Subject: Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Anonymous wrote:I had my DS via IVF and when I went to do a FET for another baby, my RE found scar tissue/adhesions on a saline sono. He did a surgery, which was successful, and even did a follow up saline sono a month later where the cavity looked normal, but we just had a failed FET and I can't help but wonder if something is permanently wrong with the uterus from the Asherman's. Only time will tell with more transfers, but looking for success stories after adhesions/scar tissue surgery. Thanks!

OP, I had an almost identical experiece. IVF, scar tissue, surgery, FET. But my first FET attempt did work.

There are so many factors at play - I wouldn't immediately assume you still have lining issues. What did your RE say? Do you have more frozen embryos?
Post 04/03/2014 20:46     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

ok thanks, I am so sorry. this is OP. I guess I am in a different boat because I had a follow up SHG that showed the cavity had returned to normal. My issue was in my lining (scarring in the lining, not tubes). So now they're checking the lining since we're doing IVF and it's responding well to the meds (thickening). I am of course still worried, but I am not sure my situation is comparable to yours. but only time will tell. I agree 100% if you had a diminished cavity and risk of miscarriage, I wouldn't have proceeded either. Good luck on your path. It does sound heartbreaking, but I'm glad you made a good decision for your family.
Post 04/03/2014 20:24     Subject: Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Yes, the scarring was blocking my tubes. And yes, I had two HSG's after the surgery that showed minimal improvement. Never bothered to check the lining because the writing was on the wall that my uterine cavity was greatly diminished, my only option was IVF, and my chance of miscarriage was high. Fighting reality by putting my body through hell and enriching am RE with little chance of a viable full term pregnancy didn't seem worth it to me.
Post 04/03/2014 20:20     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Your ashermans was on your tubes? Did they check your lining and do additional HSG and saline sono etc? my ashermans was unrelated to my tubes, but I am doing IVF for other reasons (irregular cycles)
Post 04/03/2014 19:59     Subject: Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Basically, there was no improvement. My tubes remained blocked. And my period did not return to normal. I was told point blank that additional surgeries would not likely make a significant improvement. A second doc agreed with that opinion. Both doctors agreed that, even if I tried IVF and got pregnant, my chance of miscarriage would be very high because the baby would have very little room to grow.

So at that point, the additional financial and emotional investment did not seem worth the risk. It sucks, but it is what it is. I could continue treatment, but that's just not for me.
Post 04/03/2014 19:45     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

PP, this is OP. When you say "it was not successful" re: your surgery how and when did you no? And the "cavity is not normal" and "lining hasn't recovered" - how did you know? I only ask because of course I want to be prepared, and mentally prepare myself, but on the other hand, my saline sono after surgery showed a uterus that the ultrasound tech said looked so normal it looked as if we'd never had a surgery (he said "if you showed me this uterus, I wouldn't know it had had surgery") and then my lining has been great for the FET - I've had one transfer so far, but both times (waiting for another transfer) my lining has gotten over 8 mm which was thicker than I even had before the asherman's before my first DS. so on the one hand, i want to be realistic, and on the other hand, I don't want to drive myself crazy with worry over something paranoid and irrational when my RE hasn't given me any reason to believe the problem hasn't been fixeD????? and i am so sorry your roller coaster- does sound grueling and heartbreaking - how many times and IVF cycles did you do after the surgery before you gave up?
Post 04/03/2014 17:12     Subject: Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Good luck, OP. I also had a C-section with my first. We did try, and I had surgery, and it was not successful. The scarring is so massive that the cavity is not normal and my lining has not recovered. It is grueling and heartbreaking, I know. Hang in there.

We've moved on to adoption because the chances of a medical solution to my situation is minimal. I wish you all good luck trying to get pregnant again. But for your own sanity, you should mentally prepare yourself for the idea that it may not happen, and at least entertain other possibilities that would be acceptable to you. The endless cycle of treatments and procedures can drive you mad, as you know. I just had to step off that roller coaster and I've felt mentally better and happier ever since.
Post 04/03/2014 17:08     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

also, OP again here. to the 10:05 poster, was your M/C after having your DD? what's odd for me is I never had a D&C. i had a C section with my first, but had no reason to expect any problems until my lining looked crappy on the FET this fall and my RE cancelled and did a saline sono was surprised to find Asherman's. I had a "mild" case and the surgery was successful, in the RE's view, but I've read horror stories of it coming back etc. Then again, I have a friend whose uterus was 75% sealed shut from Asherman's after her first and she's had 2 more babies after the hysteroscopy surgery
Post 04/03/2014 14:59     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

hi, this is OP. my lining has never been that thick. it was 7 mm when I got pregnant with my DS. and it's been 8 mm since the asherman's surgery. when i was cancelled back in november it was barely even 6 after an extra week of meds. i also had the balloon and the estrogen support afterwards. i was cleared to TTC the month afterwards without even having a saline sono, because my RE said the surgery went well, and I begged my RE to do a saline sono, and it looked great. but that cycle was cancelled due to poor lining. then i changed my FET protocol and using different estrogen meds, and had a FET this past month that resulted in a chemical. my lining was good though- it was actually over 8 mm, and it was only 7 when i was TTC for my DS and when i got pregnant back then. I am worried that I can never get pregnant again, and yet I think that's irrational... because my lining is looking fine. Argh.
Post 04/03/2014 12:11     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

10:05 again, I've never had any to freeze and always 3 day transfers. "those-who-have-freezer-babies" is a club I prob will never be a part of. I do have one frostie from the no-transfer cycle, but it was 3-day.
Post 04/03/2014 12:08     Subject: Re:Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

Hi this is 10:05 from the other post you had. As you know I am trying post Ashermans. and yes, i have uncertainties all the time. after my ashermans' surgery, I had another hysteroscopy to check to see if the scarring was gone. Let me back up a little, I had my surgery, was put on estrace with a balloon during the healing time (6 weeks) then provera. during my next cycle, CD13, had the follow-up hysteroscopy so the Dr could see and check himself that the scarring was gone and healing. He cleared me to TTC. That was last Sept. IVF that following Oct. BFN, but my lining was trilaminar. It only got to 7mm but the RE was satified. Could the BFN be because of lining? maybe. or egg quality? maybe. I've been monitoring my periods like mad and get worried when the flow seems a bit off, so I ask for a saline sono to check for recurring scarring. Nothing so far. of course, a hysteroscopy is the best way to know, but in the DC area I cannot find anyone who does them in office, without antesthia, like they do in Los Angeles. In DC they make you go to a hospital and anesthesia is always involved. When I ask for an in-office hyst, they look at me like I am crazy. (Yes I went to LA for surgery). I was under anesthesia for the surgery, however. The Dr I went to said we need to be ready for anesthesia, but if the scariing was not bad and he could fix it without, then we would not use it.

So the answer I have for you is I do worry, and I hope my uterus is ok. I used to get 10mm linings, so the 7 is pretty devestating, but as long as its trilaminar, I'm counting my blessings.

There have been ladies with worse ashermans than mine that have had babies....have you tried joining This support group is pretty nice and their website has a lot of good resources.

Post 04/02/2014 07:33     Subject: Anyone trying or pregnant after scar tissue/adhesions (Asherman's)?

I had my DS via IVF and when I went to do a FET for another baby, my RE found scar tissue/adhesions on a saline sono. He did a surgery, which was successful, and even did a follow up saline sono a month later where the cavity looked normal, but we just had a failed FET and I can't help but wonder if something is permanently wrong with the uterus from the Asherman's. Only time will tell with more transfers, but looking for success stories after adhesions/scar tissue surgery. Thanks!