Post 08/18/2013 02:13     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

Movies are trashy, take him to the theater.
Post 08/18/2013 02:03     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

The movies also are aimed at not boring parents to tears after watching it 327 times straight in a row. I will forgive the occasional lapse.
Post 08/17/2013 22:37     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

Took my 3 yo to see Planes today. It was his first movie. He loved it!
Post 08/17/2013 22:35     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

Just took my 3 year old to see Planes, and he enjoyed it.
Post 08/17/2013 22:11     Subject: Re:Any good g rated movies out?

I feel completely depressed about the movies they show. It's not necessary to push it with kids like that. And the rude humor "idiots" etc? I just don't want my child to see that as a norm. His friends are all pretty sweet kids, his classmates in preschool are all from loving families, and none of the kids play like that. Then, after all this careful parenting, some Disney movie that's supposed to be "wholesome" introduces it?

I don't like a lot of the TV shows for children, either (like Thomas the train) because although it's supposed to encourage nice morals, the trains are so mean and shitty to one another. Nice way to model behavior...not.

So, no PG movies for us and I haven't seen anything I'd want to take my 4 year old to since Milo and Otis.
Post 08/17/2013 21:28     Subject: Re:Any good g rated movies out?

Our son is 3 and we've decided to take him, after looking at the Common Sense Media reviews. It doesn't seem too bad (although, really, I don't see why they can't avoid the use of words like "idiot" or whatever -- Toy Story did this, too) and nothing that will scare him.

But agree - wish they'd make more G movies.
Post 08/17/2013 21:07     Subject: Re:Any good g rated movies out?

Common Sense Media has decent reviews:
Post 08/17/2013 18:49     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

Yes lots of G movies actually but wish they would make more!
Post 08/17/2013 18:36     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

Do they make G movies anymore?
Post 08/17/2013 17:57     Subject: Re:Any good g rated movies out?

Just take him to planes.
Post 08/17/2013 17:55     Subject: Re:Any good g rated movies out?

Monsters U
Post 08/17/2013 17:32     Subject: Any good g rated movies out?

My 3 year old boy has never been to the movies and I think he's ready. We were planning to take him to see Planes until we found out its rated PG. So now he's excited to see a movie and I'm not aware of anything out or coming out soon that's appropriate. Any suggestions?