Post 12/05/2008 02:28     Subject: third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Have just started getting these "special" pains, and it's bad enough to make walking unpleasant, so like others I'm glad to hear that it's normal. The difference here -- I'm only at 24 weeks. Fear it's going to be a loooooooong 3 months!
Post 11/30/2008 12:07     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

OMG! I am soooo glad to hear other women are having this pain. I am 32 weeks pregnant with my 4th daughter. I never had this with my other 3. I felt like I was just being a baby. It hurts so bad!! And I am a hairstylist, so am on my feet all day. I can't hardly walk anymore!! I so hope my doc will induce me at 38 weeks like he did with my last 2. But still, 6 more weeks of this??? UHHGGGG
Post 10/29/2008 15:43     Subject: third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Thank you ladies! I am pregnant with my first and the Dr.s and I a re still arguing over conception and due dates. LOL
Anyways, I went through the round ligament pain a few weeks ago, it lasted for about 2 weeks steady and now I only get random ones, then I got a 'roid that swelled and leaked blood for over a week, and now I have the vaginal pain. Its like a dull ache most of the time but occasionally I get sharp ones. I thought it was just because I was carrying so low, but its good to hear that it will go away. Why does such a miracle have to be such a trial? The worst though are the charlie horses. I got 3 in a row the other night that had me off the bed and crying, and let me tell you I grew up on a farm and have pretty high pain tolerance, my fiance couldn't even move my foot to relieve it and he's a pretty strong guy. The good news is that my midwife said that she thought the charlie horses were much more painful than the actual labor. It is good though to know that these things are normal and we are not going through them alone. ; )
Post 10/23/2008 18:18     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

I've described the vaginal pain as someone taking a razor blade to my perinium. Sometimes it helps to get on all fours on the floor and do some pelvic rocks.
Post 10/18/2008 21:11     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Yes -- I absolutely had this. It completely sucked, but the good news is that it truly goes away soon after giving birth. I've never been so happy to roll over and get out of bed. Pregnancy makes you appreciate the smallest things.

Hang in there and good luck in the Home stretch. You're almost there!
Post 10/18/2008 20:31     Subject: third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Sorry to echo everyone, but I am 36 weeks and in horrible pain south of the Mason Dixon line (am I the only one who still watches Grey's Anatomy?), especially when I roll over in bed or get up after sitting/laying down for periods of time.
I am sorry others are going through it, but relieved to know it isn't just me! I hope this baby comes sooner rather than later because I can't imagine more than four more weeks of this. I am truly waddling around and it is not cute.
Post 10/16/2008 19:19     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

OMG the 10/15/ 14:55 Poster made me laugh out loud with the turtle comparison...I am only 30 weeks and already feel like that! It hurts to stand up, roll over in bed, stand up after using the toilet...everything just hurts! i am so glad that this is normal in the 3rd trimester...I'm always feeling aches and pains "down there" and have the occasional heartstopping round ligament pain! Hang in there ladies....
Post 10/15/2008 17:54     Subject: third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Ladies, I am in my 33rd week and I'm already so achy all over that I just want to give birth today! With my last one, I had a terrible last month because I got awful 'roids (very painful ones, not necessarily big ones) so I figure this time around I will be just as miserable but maybe for other reasons. I have no idea HOW I'll be chasing after my toddler toward the end...I am already feeling like a house.
Post 10/15/2008 16:12     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Exactly! Yes! I'm so glad to know I'm not alone.

I've taken a tylenol now and again -- and once a Tylenol PM -- to help, but I hate medicating myself...
Post 10/15/2008 14:55     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

I'm in week 39 and I can sympathize- my round ligament pain has gotten worse as well. walking hurts more, and for some reason, it always kicks up again when i'm going to bed. i think i was actually whimpering last night.

and getting out of bed - or off the couch - is a ridiculous effort! it actually hurts to get out of bed. Or even roll from one side to the other. I feel like a turtle who's been knocked onto its back.

Good luck - you're not in this alone.
Post 10/15/2008 14:36     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

I have one week to go until my due date, and I wince each time I roll over at night! My back is also killing me again! I'm hoping this kid is on time next week!
Post 10/15/2008 13:42     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

I've had friends who said they could barely walk, much less chase after their toddlers, in the last month or two.
Post 10/15/2008 13:34     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Thanks! That's helpful...I just wanted to make sure it was "normal". I can power through it for a month as long as I know it's nothing to worry about!
Post 10/15/2008 13:27     Subject: Re:third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

Its totally normal and will hurt, and possibly get worse as the month goes on! Sorry. You have to perfect the rolling-sideways out of bed motion to get up and pee, that was the worst for me and my friends. At some point my actual vagina hurt from the pressure, as well as the bones and joints. Don't worry, it will go away after you give birth--for some people it goes away right away and some it lingers a month or two as your bones settle. Hang in there!
Post 10/15/2008 13:21     Subject: third trimester -- how much pelvic/ligament/vaginal pain is normal?

I have one month to go until my due date.

Over the last week or so, I've been experiencing an increase in vaginal/pelvic pain...I know some is normal and I'm just trying to confirm that mine is. It hurts (slightly) when I walk, hurts (a lot) when I roll over in bed, hurts (a lot) when I lift one leg up to get dressed in the morning....The pain seems to be centered in the bone right under my vulva and inner thighs. It's definitely making all exercise but light walks impossible, and even walks to the bathroom at work are no fun.

I had some round ligament pain around 20 - 24 weeks that was centered a little higher -- more like lower ab pain.

Is this just the next stage of round ligament pain? Is there anything to be worried about? Is this just the joy of the final month of pregnancy??