Post 10/01/2012 13:48     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

are very quickly going to say something incredibly offensive to me so I better end the conversation now.

Once I was talking to a seemingly-normal, well-to-do acquaintance of mine (from church, no less!) and the subject got to politics and she said

"I don't want my tax money going to some poor black guy swinging on his porch."

After I picked up my jaw from the floor, I found I had lost a lot of respect for her and did not want to develop a friendship. I told her "That's sort of racist..." and her response was

"I'm not a racist! I know lots of black professionals!"

The conversation went downhill from there.
Post 10/01/2012 13:40     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

i would only "unfriend" of stop speaking to someone if they got to talking birther, socialist, and muslim shit about obama.

im all for someone wanting to be for romney and am happy to engage in a friendly back and forth, but once someone adds all the extra complete bullshit in their argument, i will want nothing to do with them.

i havent had to do this yet and the republicans i do engage with are reasonable republicans who just have a different view from me. i can live with that.

as much as i love politics, i dont view it life or death as some people on both sides tend to make it out to be.
Post 10/01/2012 13:22     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

Anonymous wrote:I am not a fan of Obama's military or domestic policies. We will continue to breed hatred towards the US with the ongoing drone strikes and killing of civilians in Pakistan. NDAA is illegal and I can't believe Obama signed it. Obama's disdain for whistle-blowers is evident by the prosecution rate, which is at an all-time high. So much for transparency.

I cannot talk to my family about politics. My step-father believes Obama is Muslim and my mother is not a fan of anyone who isn't white, or born here. It's hard to discuss anything with them without it somehow turning into a political statement.

Well, sure, we all know a particular person for whom the answer is crazy or stupid or whathaveyou. The question is whether you think all or most people who disagree with you are as evil or misguided as all that.
Post 10/01/2012 13:11     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

I am not a fan of Obama's military or domestic policies. We will continue to breed hatred towards the US with the ongoing drone strikes and killing of civilians in Pakistan. NDAA is illegal and I can't believe Obama signed it. Obama's disdain for whistle-blowers is evident by the prosecution rate, which is at an all-time high. So much for transparency.

I cannot talk to my family about politics. My step-father believes Obama is Muslim and my mother is not a fan of anyone who isn't white, or born here. It's hard to discuss anything with them without it somehow turning into a political statement.
Post 10/01/2012 13:00     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

Anonymous wrote:. . .have a different world view than I do.


Kudos also to 12:41.
Post 10/01/2012 12:57     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

. . .have a different world view than I do.
Post 10/01/2012 12:54     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

Anonymous wrote:I have never been a rabid liberal. I never drew absolute lines for political boundaries for friends. But I have, since 9/11 completely cut off all ties to reactionary people who knee-jerked to support Bush. I absolutely consider them to be gullible, misinformed and simplistic. I have however supported Obama's military policies--he has done a brilliant job of turning a hopeless strategy into viable one and has restored American supremacy. I have had my quibbles with Obama's domestic policies, but I continue to believe that anyone who supports Romney over Obama is shortsighted, selfish/bigoted (generally) and very misinformed.

Just to clarify, you actually are a Rabid Liberal. Capital R, Capital L. Look it up. At least own it and don't try pretending you're a centrist.
Post 10/01/2012 12:46     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

Post 10/01/2012 12:46     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

I have never been a rabid liberal. I never drew absolute lines for political boundaries for friends. But I have, since 9/11 completely cut off all ties to reactionary people who knee-jerked to support Bush. I absolutely consider them to be gullible, misinformed and simplistic. I have however supported Obama's military policies--he has done a brilliant job of turning a hopeless strategy into viable one and has restored American supremacy. I have had my quibbles with Obama's domestic policies, but I continue to believe that anyone who supports Romney over Obama is shortsighted, selfish/bigoted (generally) and very misinformed.
Post 10/01/2012 12:41     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

None of the above. Those that diagree with me (like my husband) have a different set of priorities.
Post 10/01/2012 12:32     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

Anonymous wrote:Are misinformed.

Two of our dearest friends watch Fox News constantly. Their explanations for their views are almost always backed by inaccurate "facts" or blatant lies.

Didn't they disagree with you politically before they started watching Fox News?
Post 10/01/2012 12:28     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

Are misinformed.

Two of our dearest friends watch Fox News constantly. Their explanations for their views are almost always backed by inaccurate "facts" or blatant lies.
Post 10/01/2012 12:23     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

Anonymous wrote:All of the above. I have friends who I actually really liked (years ago, now only facebook friends) that I don't like any more because they started posting all kinds of Tea Party crap. I even de-friended some of them.

All of them are all of the above or some of each?
Post 10/01/2012 12:22     Subject: Re:People who disagree with me politically . . .

All of the above. I have friends who I actually really liked (years ago, now only facebook friends) that I don't like any more because they started posting all kinds of Tea Party crap. I even de-friended some of them.
Post 10/01/2012 12:20     Subject: People who disagree with me politically . . .

Complete this sentence for yourself.

are stupid?
are misinformed?
are out for themselves and don't care about others?

My answer: probably have a different philosophy about the role of government and may be misinformed about some economic facts.