Post 06/08/2012 12:20     Subject: Please help settle this debate

I agree that he should go. It's a slippery slope with allowing kids to shirk responsibility, even if the responsibility seems pointless. Attending school is his "job" right now; responsible adults don't get to just not go to work when they are expected to be there. So he is actually learning something- sometimes you have to do things even if you don't want to!
Post 06/08/2012 10:05     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

I think they should go. It teaches them that even if there's nothing productive going on, if school's in session, they need to attend. Look at me.... I have to be here at work but I"m hanging out on DCUM.... getting nothing done But I still had to get my butt out of bed and come to work.
Post 06/08/2012 09:57     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

What grade are your kids? My answer may vary depending on the answer.
Post 06/08/2012 09:07     Subject: Please help settle this debate

Any chance there's something else going on at school your son is trying to avoid? Is anyone bothering him, for example?
Post 06/08/2012 07:57     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

My children don't even ask about this; they know my answer is the same as the PP's: if school is in session, you attend. Period. They typically don't mind going, though, because their friends are always there, too.

Post 06/07/2012 18:10     Subject: Please help settle this debate

Had this discussion with my kid just today: If school is in session and you're not sick, you go. Period.
Post 06/07/2012 12:13     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

Agree with the others. Your child's responsibility (my child's as well) is school. Just because they don't like what's happening or they feel like it's wasting their time doesn't mean they get to shirk their responsibility. That's just life.
Post 06/07/2012 11:53     Subject: Please help settle this debate

School's in session. They ought to go.
Post 06/07/2012 10:30     Subject: Please help settle this debate

If school is in session, the child is healthy, and it is not (fill in religious observance, funeral, or something equally serious), then the child goes to school.

It is ridiculous how little gets done in June, but let's not make it worse.
Post 06/07/2012 10:26     Subject: Please help settle this debate

I think school is in session so that is reason enough to go. My kids don't miss school unless there is a legitimate reason and that includes the last (1/2) days.
Post 06/07/2012 06:38     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

Teacher here. We usually do one or two goodbye activities on these days but most of the time is spent cleaning up the classroom/lockers/desks, etc. Lots of kids leave early for vacation so they really aren't missing much anyway. Report cards were turned in last week so no new teaching is done this week.
Post 06/07/2012 04:32     Subject: Please help settle this debate

I'd make em go. Then do something fun with friends after school.
Post 06/06/2012 22:55     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

Kid is factually correct. You're still the parent. But I don't think this is one where you have to stand firm on your beliefs.
Post 06/06/2012 22:21     Subject: Re:Please help settle this debate

School is in session. Kids don't skip school. Sorry, they should be there.

Are they seniors? I know some schools that withhold diplomas or don't allow them to walk at graduation if they skip out the last week.

Post 06/06/2012 21:56     Subject: Please help settle this debate

The last two days of school are half days and I firmly believe my kids should attend school until the last day.
My DS states that the teachers don't plan lessons and there is no reason to go.
What do you think?