Post 06/04/2012 15:09     Subject: Rosacea and Pregnancy

My OB and my derm okayed Finacea and Metrogel.
Post 06/04/2012 15:00     Subject: Re:Rosacea and Pregnancy

OP, you might find that your skin improves after the hormones calm down in the 2nd trimester. I don't think there's much your derm is going to be able to do for you while you are PG.
Post 06/04/2012 14:28     Subject: Rosacea and Pregnancy

OP here- I have had three IPL laser treatments before pregnancy on my face and it did help the rosocea quite a bit. But I would be reluctant to try any laser therapy now while pregnant. PP is right, the hormones right now might make my skin react very poorly to light therapy. I have heard of Finacea, will ask my derm about it. Thanks!
Post 06/04/2012 14:19     Subject: Re:Rosacea and Pregnancy

My dr. told me he would never, ever do light therapy during pregnancy. I have uneven pigmentation and very oily skin, and he basically told me I just need to suck it up until after pregnancy. Our hormones are a mess right now and our skin can act badly to light therapy, microderm etc.

My derm does have me on finacea gel, which he says is safe during pregnancy. I think people also use this for rosacea - something you may want to check into. It's helped keep my skin under control.
Post 06/04/2012 14:15     Subject: Re:Rosacea and Pregnancy

The perfect solution for you is red light therapy. Not only is it helpful for rosacea, it's the only treatment that is safe during pregnancy (from what I know, but of couese check with your doctor first!)..This is an article about it, hope it helps:
Post 06/04/2012 10:22     Subject: Rosacea and Pregnancy

thanks PP....I am heading to cvs now to buy the neutragena wash!
Post 06/04/2012 10:01     Subject: Rosacea and Pregnancy

I'm guessing the extra estrogen in your body is what is triggering the more severe case of rosacea. I use just the tiniest bit of Nutrogena anti-red face wash. It does have a small amount of anti-acne med in it that is debatable for pregnancy but I use just a very, very small dab and I dilute it on a wash cloth with a lot of water. It works for me. I would try to get into see a derm earlier. Explain to the front desk it's a bit of an emergency , you're pregnant, etc. I bet they'll squeeze you in.
Post 06/04/2012 09:58     Subject: Rosacea and Pregnancy

Up until pregnancy I have had a mild case of Rosacea that comes and goes and generally responded to prescription metrogel when needed. Well not the pregnancy hormones have kicked in (9 weeks) and my face is a mess. I wake up with my cheeks fully inflamed and little postules all over my cheeks. everything is irritating to my skin. I already have given up caffiene, alcohol, spicy foods (all common triggers). I don't want to use metrogel as from everyting I have read its not necessarily proven to be safe during pregnancy esepcially for extended use. I can't get in to see my dermatologist for another 6 weeks. I can only imagine what my face will look like by then!
Anyone have any other suggested meds or home remedies that have helped them? I can't even use soap on my face right now its so irritated.