Post 05/22/2012 11:48     Subject: What does acting gracefully mean to you?

I still just don't get this discussion.

I see how, if you're locked in a struggle for survival after your plane goes down on a desert island, and you offer your last sip of clean water to a sick child, there's a certain dignity in that.

I don't see why it's especially "graceful" to stand by your man if he has betrayed you. You don't need to make public statements about his assholery (though I don't have a problem with this, myself, especially if public opinion has some kind of power to enforce accountability), but I don't see any virtue in actively pretending he has done nothing wrong.

Post 05/22/2012 11:37     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I think of women who endured incredible, often public tragedy or dishonor -- Jackie O, Elizabeth Edwards -- and held it together somehow. Not cold-hearted, but strong and self-assured. Particularly without losing it or sinking to a low level. Jackie O could have wailed, Elizabeth could have gone full-ok Jersey, but they didn't. Grace earns respect and makes the other person (in Elizabeth's case) look even worse.

Completely agree with this. Elizabeth is probably the best example of grace I could think of as well.

Yeah, ripping your shirt and bra off at an airport in front of staff and yelling at your husband is SO graceful. /eyeroll

Yea, most definitly not an example of grace.

I would actually say Hillary Clinton handled Bill's actions with grace, but she also had her eyes on the prize. Maybe more shrewd than graceful.
Post 05/22/2012 11:31     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:Not needing to be right all the time. Not needing to make a point based on 'principle'. Being able to let it go.

I'm troubled by this one, because we women are too often encouraged to STFU and take one (or even 1000) for the team.

I understand wanting to have handled a tough situation with as much dignity as possible, but the heading almost reads like one of those weird Southern "you should learn not to say what you're really thinking, dear" posts to which we're so often treated.
Post 05/22/2012 11:26     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I think of women who endured incredible, often public tragedy or dishonor -- Jackie O, Elizabeth Edwards -- and held it together somehow. Not cold-hearted, but strong and self-assured. Particularly without losing it or sinking to a low level. Jackie O could have wailed, Elizabeth could have gone full-ok Jersey, but they didn't. Grace earns respect and makes the other person (in Elizabeth's case) look even worse.

Completely agree with this. Elizabeth is probably the best example of grace I could think of as well.

The way Jackie O handled the after-math of her husband's assanation..having sat next to him with his blood all over her. Then the way she planned the whole funeral and carried herself and raised her children was what I think of as graceful. Also- her love of art, reading, and her well-written thank you notes that people still remember. Her social etiquette. There was also no name calling or public outbursts or letting you to into the private life like people today. There is way too much sharing of personal information these days.
Post 05/22/2012 11:14     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I think of women who endured incredible, often public tragedy or dishonor -- Jackie O, Elizabeth Edwards -- and held it together somehow. Not cold-hearted, but strong and self-assured. Particularly without losing it or sinking to a low level. Jackie O could have wailed, Elizabeth could have gone full-ok Jersey, but they didn't. Grace earns respect and makes the other person (in Elizabeth's case) look even worse.

Completely agree with this. Elizabeth is probably the best example of grace I could think of as well.

Yeah, ripping your shirt and bra off at an airport in front of staff and yelling at your husband is SO graceful. /eyeroll

Woah. Let her rest in peace, ffs.
Post 05/22/2012 10:44     Subject: What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:Most posts on DCUM=not graceful.


Post 05/22/2012 10:43     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:I think of women who endured incredible, often public tragedy or dishonor -- Jackie O, Elizabeth Edwards -- and held it together somehow. Not cold-hearted, but strong and self-assured. Particularly without losing it or sinking to a low level. Jackie O could have wailed, Elizabeth could have gone full-ok Jersey, but they didn't. Grace earns respect and makes the other person (in Elizabeth's case) look even worse.

Completely agree with this. Elizabeth is probably the best example of grace I could think of as well.

Yeah, ripping your shirt and bra off at an airport in front of staff and yelling at your husband is SO graceful. /eyeroll

Post 05/22/2012 10:43     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Not needing to be right all the time. Not needing to make a point based on 'principle'. Being able to let it go.
Post 05/22/2012 10:38     Subject: What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Most posts on DCUM=not graceful.
Post 05/22/2012 10:33     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:I think of women who endured incredible, often public tragedy or dishonor -- Jackie O, Elizabeth Edwards -- and held it together somehow. Not cold-hearted, but strong and self-assured. Particularly without losing it or sinking to a low level. Jackie O could have wailed, Elizabeth could have gone full-ok Jersey, but they didn't. Grace earns respect and makes the other person (in Elizabeth's case) look even worse.

Completely agree with this. Elizabeth is probably the best example of grace I could think of as well.
Post 05/22/2012 09:54     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

I think of women who endured incredible, often public tragedy or dishonor -- Jackie O, Elizabeth Edwards -- and held it together somehow. Not cold-hearted, but strong and self-assured. Particularly without losing it or sinking to a low level. Jackie O could have wailed, Elizabeth could have gone full-ok Jersey, but they didn't. Grace earns respect and makes the other person (in Elizabeth's case) look even worse.
Post 05/22/2012 08:52     Subject: What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Grace is recognizing that all of us are doing the best that we can. Grace is taking the high road even when you really don't want to.
Post 05/22/2012 05:57     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Anonymous wrote:Above the fray. Remaining kind-hearted. Doesn't participate in gossip. Doesn't return meanness with meanness. Not because the person is lacking in self esteem but quite the opposite. Classy. Sincere.

+1 -- good definition, PP. I'd only add: 1) giving people the benefit of the doubt and 2) not taking yourself too seriously.
Post 05/22/2012 05:52     Subject: Re:What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Above the fray. Remaining kind-hearted. Doesn't participate in gossip. Doesn't return meanness with meanness. Not because the person is lacking in self esteem but quite the opposite. Classy. Sincere.
Post 05/21/2012 22:01     Subject: What does acting gracefully mean to you?

Just curious. If you were to define acting with grace, being a graceful person. Going through a tough time and acting gracefully.