Post 02/11/2013 17:52     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

Anonymous wrote:In the last 10 yrs i have been rear ended or side swiped 7 times .. None of them my fault. I have never owned a car in dc that hasnt been in the body shop. My last rear ending was last summer and just got hit again last week from behind. My current car is 2 yrs old and i am working on my 3rd new rear bumper. My DD gets gets her license nextyr and I am terrified for her to drive in DC

No one believes you.
Post 02/11/2013 17:42     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

In the last 10 yrs i have been rear ended or side swiped 7 times .. None of them my fault. I have never owned a car in dc that hasnt been in the body shop. My last rear ending was last summer and just got hit again last week from behind. My current car is 2 yrs old and i am working on my 3rd new rear bumper. My DD gets gets her license nextyr and I am terrified for her to drive in DC
Post 02/11/2013 17:18     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

Anonymous wrote:9 out of 10 times, when someone merges into me, won't hold their lane, or stops short, I see a cell phone glued to their head. Don't know what to do about it except honk so that they know they made a mistake.


And when I see people do something stupid, I get away from them- ahead- behind- over- whatever.
Post 02/11/2013 17:17     Subject: Re:Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

Anonymous wrote:Give people the benefit of the doubt. We are all "the bad driver" some days simply because our area's roads are old and overstuffed. Yes, there is a small percentage of truly bad and truly obnoxious drivers, but most people are making mistakes or usually drive carefully and just having an aberrant moment. Let it go.

Let it go?

What if a bad driver who is confused or stupid kills your kid?

Seriously- driving is dangerous. Cars are dangerous. People should not be operating them if there are unable to do so in the safest way possible.
Post 02/11/2013 17:05     Subject: Re:Bad Drivers - How do you deal?


Hey! Don't trash the South! We have enough problems. Yes, people do take things slower here, but one of our biggest problems is people moving here from other places then being disappointed that the South is not like home—especially when it comes to driving. Just today a woman pulled right out in front of me. I honked. She stopped the car in the middle of the road, got out and screamed (in a Yankee accent, I might add), "AM I STOPPING YOU FROM GOING SOMEWHERE?!?" Shut me right up. You never know who is packing heat, who has just gotten a cancer diagnosis, who has been on their cell phone with their divorce attorney, etc. My kid has her learner's permit, but is afraid to drive. Driving used to be fun, a rite of passage.

I feel really mean when I drive these days and I don't like it at all.
Post 01/28/2012 22:56     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

9 out of 10 times, when someone merges into me, won't hold their lane, or stops short, I see a cell phone glued to their head. Don't know what to do about it except honk so that they know they made a mistake.
Post 01/28/2012 20:11     Subject: Re:Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

The other day the light turned from red to green and my three-year old screamed "Move it lady!" How is that for disliking bad drivers.
Post 01/28/2012 18:22     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

Anonymous wrote:I give wide berth and continue on my merry way. It's not worth stress on me.

I agree with this. Honestly you're doing more damage to your own boy by getting so upset! Increased blood pressure, stress levels. It's so not worth it. Can't let it get to you.

I've lived in Boston, Chicago, NYC, LA and used to get way more upset. Now I just try to breathe and stay calm.
Post 01/28/2012 18:00     Subject: Re:Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

Give people the benefit of the doubt. We are all "the bad driver" some days simply because our area's roads are old and overstuffed. Yes, there is a small percentage of truly bad and truly obnoxious drivers, but most people are making mistakes or usually drive carefully and just having an aberrant moment. Let it go.
Post 01/28/2012 14:55     Subject: Re:Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

OP, I'm in the same area, and I lose my mind everytime I go out. I am a bad example for my children. I am totally nonconfrontational temperamentally, but I go nuts in my car. I sound like a Marine drill instructor.

Part of it is that I drive a 15 passenger van, which apparently communicates "PLEASE cut me off" to everyone. Another thing is all the work trucks and non-native drivers. And the old people...oh, the old people!

Nothing makes me more crazy than slow drivers though. If any slow drivers are reading this, please, WHY?????? Maybe it's because I always have at least one screaming baby in the car with me, but I just want to get where I need to go. Why. Drive. Slowly???

I have lived by Boston, New York, Providence, Chicago, Philadelphia...I have lived in the Midwest, the south, the northeast...nothing compares to here. Why I care so much, I don't know. I try to pray, and I end up blaspheming.
Post 01/28/2012 14:40     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

I give wide berth and continue on my merry way. It's not worth stress on me. Never had an accident yet.

I learned to drive in Boston so maybe I'm just tolerant.

Post 01/28/2012 14:28     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

I feel ashamed. I moved here 15 years ago as a good, careful, respectful driver. Doesn't even matter where I came from. Today, I get impatient, zip around slower cars going the speed limit (hello, you're not in France so why are you sightseeing?), feel like a dork for using a turn signal, and have developed an extensive verbal library of expletives. When I'm not driving, I'm Mother Theresa. Behind the wheel, I become Mad Max. Maybe I should move to Canada (I refuse, absolutely refuse to go South no matter how slow things move down there).
Post 01/28/2012 13:27     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

OP, I used to give ALL of the bad drivers the benefit of the doubt. Then I found that statistically, it is impossible to have so many. What happens is that people are from all different areas - D.C.'s "claim to fame", right? WRONG. More rudeness than any other area combined, if you have lived in other metropolitan areas you know this immediately.

Their biggest and favorite pastime is pretending they don't see you while either cutting you off or not letting you in. Don't take it personally. And if you are not here for long, be grateful, you won't turn into them.
Post 01/28/2012 11:46     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

I work as an ophthalmic tech and I'll tell you one thing. There are SO many people out there who CANNOT see. Just something to consider. The people cutting you off justight not see you.

My best advice is drive defensively.
Post 01/28/2012 11:37     Subject: Bad Drivers - How do you deal?

How do you guys deal with bad drivers? Ignore them? Take deep breaths? It seems like every single time I go out to do something around here, I am cut off, tailgated, etc. and it drives me bonkers. I live in the Manassas/Bristow area and I don't drive slowly either, or in the left lane unless I'm passing.