Post 08/10/2016 17:49     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

my 21 month old grandson has had a hard penis all day, when I checked him, he scream in pain at the slightest touch, should I take him to the ER?
Post 06/20/2013 12:03     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

My grandson is having pain like that as well. How did they diagnose his problem? We have been the the ER twice with him. They have diagnosed it "constipation" but he is still hurting and no longer constipated. NG
Post 07/16/2011 21:51     Subject: Re:Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Keep us updated, OP! Poor guy!
Post 07/16/2011 17:34     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Poor little dude! Glad you found out, though.
Post 07/16/2011 14:13     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Aww, glad he's okay! Poor little guy.
Post 07/16/2011 09:52     Subject: Re:Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Poorlittle guy! Hope he (and you) are doing ok.
Post 07/16/2011 08:56     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

OP- I am so sorry. I hope your little guy is feeling better.

I bet you're scathingly mad at the pediatrician. I would be.
Post 07/16/2011 04:47     Subject: Re:Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Anonymous wrote:Update from OP. Ds woke up with large protrusion under bellybutton. After harrowing days in hospital, he has infected urachal cyst that needs surgery. This is causing the pain.

OMG, OP, thanks for letting us know. When will he have surgery ? Hope he has a speedy recovery.
Post 07/16/2011 00:12     Subject: Re:Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Update from OP. Ds woke up with large protrusion under bellybutton. After harrowing days in hospital, he has infected urachal cyst that needs surgery. This is causing the pain.
Post 07/11/2011 23:43     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Sorry, how IS, obviously!
Post 07/11/2011 23:42     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

How does the urinary opening looking?

I'd want to rule out this, which is quite common:
Post 07/11/2011 23:34     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

I have twin boys who are 3 years old now, and one of them has the same problem. After taking him to the ER one day because he said the pain was so bad, I took him to a pediatric urologist. No UTI. He is intermittently constipated and that is when he gets the pain. The doctor said this is very common in little boys. The idea is he becomes so constipated and his bowels become so full that pressure is pushed forward into the penis. The pain is real, so boys often times try not to pee becuase they are afraid of the pain. We have increased his fiber intake and watch for when his poop is not soft. The doctor suggested trying over the counter Miralax, and it works well for us. I hope this works for you.
Post 07/11/2011 22:06     Subject: Re:Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

OP here. Thanks for your input. He is circumcised. Can you see the bacterial infection? did it cause these types of symptoms? His penis looks no different to me. The doctor did look at him, but briefly.
Post 07/11/2011 22:01     Subject: Re:Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

Is he circumcised or uncircumcised? It is possible he could have a bacterial infection of the skin that is not a UTI - my son had it last summer, and it was treated easily with topical antibiotics. Did the doctor look at his penis when you took him?
Post 07/11/2011 21:49     Subject: Almost 3 year old having penis pain - UTI negative - explicit

About a month ago my almost three year old started grabbing his crotch alot, rubbing his diaper in apparent discomfort and being pretty miserable. We thought that it was the diaper and swiitched him to pull-ups and began putting him on the potty. (He has been peeing in the Potty at school for some time now). That didn't fix the problem. it got so bad one day we took him to the doctor. She said it might be that he is having erections and it is making him uncomfortable. she did a urine sample and it came back negative (this was over three weeks ago). Since then he intermittently complains that it hurts and when it does it lasts for 20-30 minutes. I have checked when this is happening and sometimes it seems like he might be having an erection. but sometimes it seems like he has been holding in his urine and feels better when he urinate. In addition, he has suddenly been getting up in the night 1-2 times, and also very early in the morning. Sometimes it appears he has to use the bathroom and can't hold it until morning. Sometimes its nothing. Today the pain is back. He was fine all day until the afternoon. he used the bathroom and then had pain. he pointed to the very tip when I asked him where it hurt. He says he doesn't want to pee because it hurts, but he used the bathroom two times since without complaint.

Any idea what is going on? UTI improperly diagnosed? hypersensitive to uncomfortable errection (and if so, what do I do?)? dehydrated and potent urine stinging him? potty issues?