Post 03/17/2024 09:51     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Huh?

I live here, all is fine.

NP. Not a bot. My 19yr daughter just visited with another 19yr. Young, attractive women. They went for a concert, spent the night. Never felt unsafe. Loved it.

Op, get off social media, go outside and touch grass. You need it.

+1. OP he sounds like they’ve been watching a lot of Fox News. My mom called me a few weeks ago and told me she’d love to go to New York now that she’s traveling again after the pandemic but she’s been hearing “on the news”that you can’t walk in the streets without stepping on human feces so she’s not going to go.

I mean, I have a lot of friends and colleagues in NYC and they’re not complaining of constantly stepping in feces. it sounds like crime is up, so that seems cyclical. describing it as a hellhole seems a bit much.
Post 03/17/2024 09:31     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Anonymous wrote:OP, look at your timeline. It was the years following 9/11. The country was united and America was strong. Then came 2008 and the great divider became President. The economy collapsed and everyone got handouts. Now that we are in Obama’s third term the nanny state is entrenched. There are no repercussions for criminal behavior and cities are where we see the collapse first.

America will not survive a 4th term.

The economy collapsed during the last two years of GWB’s term (fall 2007 to fall 2008). Obama didn’t become POTUS until January 2009.

Try harder.
Post 03/17/2024 09:29     Subject: What happened to NYC?

OP, look at your timeline. It was the years following 9/11. The country was united and America was strong. Then came 2008 and the great divider became President. The economy collapsed and everyone got handouts. Now that we are in Obama’s third term the nanny state is entrenched. There are no repercussions for criminal behavior and cities are where we see the collapse first.

America will not survive a 4th term.

Post 03/17/2024 09:18     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Social media is what happened. I lived in NYC from 2000-2010. The current NYC is safer than that decade.

Ironically, the safest period in NYC history was the pre-pandemic DeBlasio years.

Social media ruined people’s perceptions of reality. It enables weird, fringe, minority views and outright falsehoods to be amplified way out of proportion to actual reality. Humans are terrible at perceiving truth.
Post 03/17/2024 09:05     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Anonymous wrote:Care to supply some facts for your diatribe, OP?

Here are some:
There was not one single year in the time you lived there that has fewer murders than 2023. Almost every year you lived there nyc had more than 500 murders. 2023 has fewer than 400.

Facts do not matter in the fear-driven MAGAsphere, which feeds its adherents a daily diet of images, headlines, and rhetoric about out-of-control urban crime in "blue" cities and "vermin" flooding our southern border. This is how people that don't even live in NYC, SF, etc. can be whipped up into a frenzy about things they have no firsthand experience with. The GOP governs through fear.
Post 03/17/2024 08:55     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Care to supply some facts for your diatribe, OP?

Here are some:
There was not one single year in the time you lived there that has fewer murders than 2023. Almost every year you lived there nyc had more than 500 murders. 2023 has fewer than 400.

Post 03/17/2024 07:50     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Nothing is wrong with NYC.
There are a lot of problems in the subway right now, so they've called in the national guard to help make people feel safer.
But millions of people ride the subway every day, and there are few incidents. But even a single incident scares millions. It's always been like this.
When I lived in NYC decades ago, people got shoved onto the tracks and died. Scared everyone, but people still took the subways.
There were migrants and tons of homeless people then. Rudy Guiliani pushed the homeless people off the streets and into shelters, so it seemed safer.
But NYC is NYC, and it's as dangerous as always and as safe as always. It's a big city with big city problems that increase and decrease, as do such problems in all cities.
Go back to sleep, OP.
Post 03/17/2024 07:46     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Anonymous wrote:Huh?

I live here, all is fine.

NP. Not a bot. My 19yr daughter just visited with another 19yr. Young, attractive women. They went for a concert, spent the night. Never felt unsafe. Loved it.

Op, get off social media, go outside and touch grass. You need it.
Post 03/17/2024 07:40     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Sometimes it helps to lay things out chronologically. What was the before wearing and after era?

You'll see clearly, it you do this, that major cities declined after covid and blm riots.
Post 03/17/2024 07:28     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Anonymous wrote:Huh?

I live here, all is fine.

If ever I thought a comment here was from a bot, this is it.
Post 03/17/2024 07:18     Subject: What happened to NYC?


I live here, all is fine.
Post 03/17/2024 07:15     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Liberals went looney with CRT, D.E.I., criminal justice reform, etc. Now the criminals have all the rights, the police have been neutered and we have let in millions of people who don’t belong in the US.

To top it off the good people of NY have chosen very poor people to lead them such as the good mayor and governor.
Post 03/17/2024 06:40     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Financial crisis+ the response to save the perps at the expense of the victims: everything else is rounding error for NYC.
Post 03/17/2024 06:19     Subject: What happened to NYC?

Liberal policies in action.
Post 03/17/2024 06:05     Subject: What happened to NYC?

I lived in NYC from 2005 to 2009. These were the Michael Bloomberg years. NYC at the time was incredibly safe and booming. I regularly walked around the city at all times of the very late night without a worry in the world. Sometimes there were odd birds in the subway, but it was for the most part perfectly safe and non-scary. There was no talk of murders and robberies in the streets. Now NYC seems in chaos: I’m no Republican but it seems Bloomberg’s policies made the city thrive. What the heck happened since? It seems like a hellhole now.