newborn sleep issues

I am really distressed about my 3.5 week old's sleep habits thus far. I'm a huge believer in the need for good sleep, i.e. the Weissbluth idea of a baby only being up about 2 hours before napping. My DD will pretty much ONLY sleep while being held by me, preferably in bed. As soon as she's put down, moved, hears noise, etc....she's awake, and a crying mess once she gets clearly overtired. Most days she's been up all morning until early afternoon when I can usually lie down with her during my toddler's nap.

I pretty much sleep holding her all night long between feedings, which actually I'm willing to deal with, but the problem is that this just isn't practical during the day.

It's 11 AM now and she's been awake since 5:30 am except pretty much falling asleep during feedings and a few minutes here and there in our arms, but as soon as she's moved or put down she wakes up. I'm all for holding her as much as I can, but I have a very active 2 year old and while I do have some help with him, I can't be solely focused on sleeping with the baby all day. So far we've tried the crib, bassinet, snuggle nest cosleeper, car seat, swing (which works a little sometimes), bouncy seat, the baby bjorn, the Moby wrap and the ring sling. She likes none of them. If I could wear her it would basically be okay, but sometimes I have to have my hands free and so far she's not taking to any of the wraps or carriers I've tried.

Any ideas???
First, have you tried swaddling her when trying to put her down? My 8 week old would have nothing to do with things that kept her arms restricted, but others have had huge success with swaddling.

Also, are you trying the babywearing before she gets overly tired? My little one also wants to be near to sleep, but sleeps best actually being worn. She will put up a fuss though for a few minutes as I put her in it if she is overly tired though. Also, if she is too warm in the wraps. Remember that you are both putting off a lot of heat when she is in the wrap so no need to have much on her.

This may be of no use, but just thought I would throw it out there.
I was in the same boat as you. I started swaddling her around 5-6 weeks and was able to put her down for sleep. She did fight the swaddle at first, but do it tightly and she should calm down without breaking out. It's worth a shot!
We also had luck with swaddling. FWIW, the Miracle Blanket worked best for our DD. She just busted right out of the SwaddleMe blanket no matter how carefully we wrapped her and we could never figure out how to swaddle properly with a regular receiving blanket. Good luck!
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I feel your pain! Our DS only took very short naps, never slept more than 1 hour before waking up. We tried everything-and then my DH started swaddling around 8 weeks. That worked until he could get himself free, around 12 weeks, and we were back to little sleep. When he was 4 months, we started feeding him baby food, with our pediatricians consent, and 2 nights later he slept through the night and has since! Except when he's teething. I remember going out of my mind trying to figure out what worked for him-literally-but then swaddling worked again, for awhile.
OP here -- unfortunately, swaddling hasn't been a big hit with her... I have the swaddle me blankets and I do think she NEEDS to be swaddled because she definitely has all those reflexive arm movements waking her up, but she also fights the swaddle so much it seems to wake her up too. My DS was like that too and suddenly around week 6 started accepting the swaddle so I am hoping there is still hope for the swaddle, but it isn't really adding anything at the moment.

PP -- thanks for the thought on putting the baby in the carrier before too sleepy, I'll try to pay closer attention to timing. Unfortunately, since nothing has been working I feel like we keep jumping from one thing to the next hoping for something to click. I've had a bit of luck with the Moby wrap if I use the hold that involves wrapping her after she falls asleep on my chest, but it's hard to even get her to fall asleep on my chest (particularly if there are other people/noise around) so I won't be able to rely on that all the time.
It's okay--she's only 3.5 weeks! Ours wanted to be held to sleep until she was about 6 weeks. It was tough, but I just kept trying to put her down to sleep in her bassinet every day. One day it clicked and that was it. She never needed to be held to sleep again. In the meantime, though, I did become a master of babywearing and very tight swaddling. Also, a white noise machine helped.

Good luck!
I second the white noise. We use "Silky Bear," a cute bear with womb noises in his tummy. It gets activated when baby cries or makes a loud noise. I think it's available on Target's website...

Our DD is about 9 weeks now and around 7 weeks starting enjoying her mobile which sometimes put her to sleep...can you try a mobile or light show?
We had sleep issues too. The nurse at the ped. office told us (and reassured us) that the sleep issues improve as the baby gains weight and by 6 weeks things get better.

...the nurse was right!

Hopefully your newborn will soon adjust too. All babies are different and some are good sleepers and others aren't. Good luck and congrats.
My son is 2 months old today and we've had similar sleep issues. He was Houdini when it came to swaddling--busted right out and hated it. Hates it even now. Only slept when being held. I am not sure he's found his perfect sleep rhythm yet (he doesn't sleep a whole lot), but it's getting better (at least, I like to think it is). Hang in there. And congratulations on your beautiful daughter.
I would suggest trying the miracle blanket. A much more effective swaddler.
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