organizing recipes from magazines

how do you do it? I have tons of mags which contain maybe a recipe or two I like and the piles are getting out of control.
I rip or cut them out and put them in a big pile. Once I make one and I like it, it goes into a sheet protector sleeve with three hole punches on the side and I put it into a binder. I have 3 binders full of recipes like this and usually go to those before I hit my cookbooks if I need a recipe.

I also print out a lot of the recipes in the Wash Post and NY Times so that I have the recipe on 8.5 x 11 paper and fits right into the sheet protector.

Yes I am anal.
I do the same thing with sheet protectors and a binder. It's really quick and easy.
I will sometimes pull the recipe up online and paste the text into a Google Doc. That way I can use the recipe at home (we have a laptop in the kitchen), at a friend's, at my parents'....

I have some recipes that I have cut out of magazines shoved into a binder, but it is rare that I punch holes and actually file them. And I do have a small stack of magazines that I need to attack in one way or the other!
I scan them in at the office, keep them in a separate folder, 3-hole punch them and put them in a binder. That way, you have a hard copy for cooking, and you don't have to worry about protecting it, because you have an electronic version as well.
I also do the sheet protector and binder thing, and organize them by type; chicken, beef, pasta and rice, dessert, etc. The magazines themselves get totally out of control otherwise and I can never find anything in them.
I have an accordian file with manila folders. On each folder label I have a category (chicken, meat, chocolate, pasta, etc). I rip out the recipe and just throw it in the folder. Then when I want to look at a chicken recipe, I can just pull out the entire folder and leaf through the recipes. And, the accodian file/folders are cute, I got them at a bookstore and they are matching with stripes/polka dots so I have it right in the kitchen next to my cookbooks. If the recipe gets used a lot and starts to get stained/ripped, then I scan it or just type it in with my own annotations (and then I just re-print and throw in the folder).
We use an accordian file folder, but it really doesn't work well because it is still hard to go through all the entrees, etc. (although we don't have it organized as minutely as PP). There was a story in the Post a year ago about making your own cookbook using recipes you put in - apparently, there are several programs for this. I've been intending to do that for DH as a gift, but haven't found the time. The binder idea may be more doable.
I buy note books and when I cut a recipe out of a magazine I clue ot into the note book. I make sure I only pick recipes that I am likely to try and then I make notes on the sides of the recipe after I try them (like it,didn't like it, need more or less of something, issues with cook time ect.)
I was a lot better about this before I had kids so I now often end up with a huge pile of recipes before finding the time to clue them in
Like PP, scan and print it out.
it's like Endnote for foodies. you can upload pics of your finished dish, add additional notes, import from recipe sites like epicurious, and much much more.
love. it.
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