What about George T??

As I was getting ready to post on the WHY I HATE GEORGE BUSH FORUM.....My thoughts took me to George Tenet. Why is this man getting off free and clear? Isn't he the person who told the administration about the weapons of mass destruction? Didn't he verify this "fact"? Tenet sits at Georgetown University.....sucking on a big ol cigar with all the bros.....what is wrong with this town. We allow folks like George Tenet to be glorified...he is looked up to as a pilar of knowledge. Is it just Georgetown U that buys into this power/money/influence thing or is it perhaps bigger than that??
hubby went to Georgetown and is absolutely disgusted by Tenet--needless to say--no money going toward their endowment this year.
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Nobody gets held accountable in the Bush Administration. Paul Wolfowitz was wrong on almost everything while he served in the Defense Department. He ignored the advice of General Shinseki regarding the number of troops required for the Iraq War (calling Shinseki's number "wildly off the mark"), he said Iraq would pay the costs of the war, and he said Iraq had no important Islamic sites (it has the two most important Shia sites). Based on this record, he was appointed President of the World Bank where he launched an anti-corruption drive by getting his girlfriend a plum job and big raises. He then drug out his resignation until big pay bonuses kicked in. Now, he has just been hired back to the Department of State. Tenet has nothing on this guy.

DC Urban Moms & Dads Administrator
ugh....makes me wanna puke. Where the hell is the golden rule? Come on folks the damn golden rule?? Remember it?? What a bunch of slime. Click back to the "college process". Want to spend you life savings sending your kid to Georgetown to be educated by top notch slime. Makes a parent want to take the family to live in a hut in the woods w/o plumbing......everyone gets a pad of paper to write their manifesto.
I feel the same way, OP. There's been a hullabaloo at my alma mater (Stanford) because Rumsfeld has been invited as a "distinguished visiting fellow" to the Hoover Institution (a conservative think-tank housed on campus).

An aside: One of the funniest anti-war protest signs I've heard about: "The Asses of Evil - Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld."
Having looked into Georgetown's various hires of the "Distinguished Professors of the Practice of Diplomacy" I can say that Prof. Tenet is by no means the most questionable such dignitary; they so honored one of the people responsible for, um, "developing" the Iraq war "strategy." You can find information on Georgetown's website or (for subscribers)


Intellectual balance is one thing... but, is this really intellectual?
I work at Georgetown and Doug Feith is here as well. In my opinion, he is even worse.
jsteele wrote:Nobody gets held accountable in the Bush Administration.

If this is in reference to George Tenent, we have Bill Clinton to thank for him in the first place don't we? He went from four years on Clinton's National Security Council to the CIA in 1997.
Site Admin Online
Anonymous wrote:
If this is in reference to George Tenent, we have Bill Clinton to thank for him in the first place don't we? He went from four years on Clinton's National Security Council to the CIA in 1997.

He didn't have any slam dunks when he worked for Clinton. Clinton didn't give him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Bush did. But, you would fit right in with the Bushies -- never willing to accept responsibility for anything.

DC Urban Moms & Dads Administrator
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