Still trying to get a read on these schools for 1st grade

DC has some minor pragmatic language and fine motor issues. We are considering McLean, Maddux, WES or Lab for him for first grade. Still trying to get a good read on which might be the best fit. Anyone have input about any of the schools?
How 'minor' are his issues? Is there a diagnosis? If it's really minor, no need to pursue Maddux. Besides, he can only stay for one year. And where do you live? That could determine Maddux/McLean over the DC schools.
I honestly don't think of WES as a special needs school, no more than any other private school. They have learning specialists, but so do most schools these days. Why are they on the list? Or, if WES would be an appropriate fit, why are you thinking Maddux or Lab? McLean falls somewhere in the middle.
"If it's really minor, no need to pursue Maddux. Besides, he can only stay for one year. "

I would not be suprised if maddux added a second grade year after next. I know Andrea Mullins feels very strongly that they should have one. I get the impression they are not promising it b/c there is no guarantee. But I suspect they are working hard on it!

The Maddux program is amazing!
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