please help me keep toddler's mittens on

DS (17 months) refuses to keep his mittens on. and it's so cold! his little hands turn bright pink after just a short walk.

I have the same problem with my 15mo DS. Solved the hat problem by using a coat with a hood.

I've thought of attaching both mittens with a long piece of yarn so at least they don't get lost. But I have no idea how to keep them on.
duct tape?
My DS is 14 months and we have the same problem. i bought some of those mitten clips from buy, buy baby for $2.99....they at least keep the mittens from getting lost. the best i can do is hover when i think it's really cold and put those mittens back on his hands while reciting "three little kittens lost their mittens" in a really funny voice. he gets so distracted by my tale that he keeps the mittens on a little bit longer....good luck!
Not a perfect solution, but I bought my DD's (like yours OP, 17 mo) coat a little on the large side so the sleeves would cover her hands. The sleeves don't quite reach her fingers, but do cover her knuckles and palms which is better than nothing.

I also managed to convince her to keep her hood on (by singing If You're Happy and You Know It so she is distracted by clapping her hands and not the hood that I quickly tie on) - when I'm lucky - and that helps.
Our daycare told us to put the mittens on BEFORE putting the jacket on. I guess the sleeves hold the mittens on. You can also keep the sleeves a little longer (instead of rolling them up if they are a bit long) so they sort of cover the hands.
One year I found some that looked like Blue's Clues paws, and my son loved to wear those. Maybe shop online for mittens that look like animal paws?
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