BOMBSHELL: Republican pundits talk honestly about Palin when they think their mikes are off...

Anonymous wrote:
jsteele wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
-And the reason why you do have that bridge is because a completely unqualified not-even-one-term senator sold it to you!!
To paraphrase an old saying:
You can lead some one to reason, but you can't make them think.

At least Obama chose a VP candidate who can do more than read from a teleprompter. Why has Palin refused to take a single question from the press since being announced as McCain's running mate? The "barracuda" is acting more like a guppy.

You're right. He can make huge verbal gaffes when left to think on his own!
As far as Palin not taking any questions, it might be because she knows anything she says will be held against her and, most importantly, no consistent strategy has been developed between the two.
-I'm out of here

Is she running for VP of the senior class of VP of the United States?

Much has been made about her backbone, but I agree with the "puppy" poster. She's all bark and no bite...unless, of course, she illegally obatins access to your personnel file and uses her executive privilege to fire you. Wait, wait!! She CAN be VP of the United States!!
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:"During a break from taping "Fox & Friends" on Sunday, a fellow guest asked Jackson about speeches on morality Obama has given at black churches. Jackson said at a news conference Wednesday that he responded that Obama's speeches can come off as speaking down to black people and that there were other important issues to be addressed, such as unemployment, the mortgage crisis and the number of blacks in prison. "

I guess this was a BOMBSHELL too?

You mean that Jesse Jackson is a friggin' self-promoting guy whose time has passed? No, this only confirmed what I have thought about him for years.

It's not like Jesse Jackson is Obama's v.p. candidate. I'm supposed to be convinced that Palin is okay because Jesse Jackson is stupid??? Strange logic there.

Reread comment that Obama's vp candidate DID MAKE about him when the mike was on and millions were watching him.
Not ready Day One or something like that.

Again, so Joe Biden said something when he was campaigning against Obama. Big deal! (Wonder what Giuliani, Huckabee, and Romney said about McCain, whom they seem to adore now.) You're just trying to divert people's attention from the point of this thread which is that some conservative commentators are less than thrilled with Palin and that's a general theme characterizing this v.p. pick.
"As far as Palin not taking any questions, it might be because she knows anything she says will be held against her and, most importantly, no consistent strategy has been developed between the two."

I would expect voters "to hold it against it her" if she can't answer basic let alone complex questions about the economy, healthcare, and foreign policy. They shouldn't need to develop a consistent strategy of how she will dodge questions.

She can't hold out a poster prop forever.
Anonymous wrote:"As far as Palin not taking any questions, it might be because she knows anything she says will be held against her and, most importantly, no consistent strategy has been developed between the two."

I would expect voters "to hold it against it her" if she can't answer basic let alone complex questions about the economy, healthcare, and foreign policy. They shouldn't need to develop a consistent strategy of how she will dodge questions.

She can't hold out a poster prop forever.

There may be a three-way John/Sarah/Cindy confusion that needs to be worked out:
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Anonymous wrote:
There may be a three-way John/Sarah/Cindy confusion that needs to be worked out:

I saw that interview and Cindy was totally baffled. Admittedly, she is not the candidate. But Roe v. Wade is hardly an esoteric issue. Cindy literally did not know what John's position is, and kept changing her mind based on what Katie said.

I don't know much about her and am trying to reserve judgment until I do but this interview along with her argument that Palin has foreign policy experience because Russia is near Alaska really make me wonder about her!
"Palin has foreign policy experience because Russia is near Alaska really make me wonder about her! "

McCain made the same exact comment in his interview with Charlie Gibson. I almost fell off my chair laughing.

Jon Stewart on the Daily Show made a joke about a Fox news pundit making the case that Palin has foreign policy because you know Russia is near Alaska so she must know them. Stewart extended the logic saying that since Alaska is closer to the North Pole she must know Sanat Claus too. If a comment is pointed out as a complete joke to an audience of applause, you really should not keep using it if you are running for president.
So Jackson said something dumb about Obama. The pundits said something dumb about Palin. Everyone does it. It's not like all the Dems sided with Jessie when he said what he said about Obama.
I miss Tim Russert too.
"So Jackson said something dumb about Obama. The pundits said something dumb about Palin. Everyone does it. It's not like all the Dems sided with Jessie when he said what he said about Obama."

The point is not only did the pundit make the dumb comment, McCain and then his wife made the exact same dumb comment later.
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