All this talk re: judging Palin for having an infant while running for office = sexism

Well, Eugene Robinson disagrees with you.

If you only knew who you were responding to!! You can't take seriously a poster who makes a typo? That says something about YOU, not me.

I've seen Jeff Steele make awful spelling mistakes, and he's a genius. When you start typing fast on a message board, that's what happens to the unpretentious. It's those that feel insecure that feel the need to proofread it and spell-check it.

I feel bad for you.
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Anonymous wrote:I've seen Jeff Steele make awful spelling mistakes, and he's a genius.

Lies! Slander! The part about being a "genius" that is. Yes, I make terrible spelling mistakes all the time. I also leave out words which drives me crazy. And, I mix words up (just saw where I used "there" instead of "their").

All that said, I will occasionally poke fun of someone's spelling error. Hypocrisy is not beneath me.

I must say, though, I have no idea what's wrong with "anyways".

I heart you!

Proper grammar would have me state "anyway" instead of "anyways".

I am a published writer and I never make spelling or grammatical mistakes in my published work. What I scrawl on a message board is another matter.

I just found it pathetic that the poster had to resort to the difference between "anyway" and "anyways" to try to dismiss my argument. Pathetic and very very ironic.
Anonymous wrote:I heart you!

Proper grammar would have me state "anyway" instead of "anyways".

I am a published writer and I never make spelling or grammatical mistakes in my published work. What I scrawl on a message board is another matter.

I just found it pathetic that the poster had to resort to the difference between "anyway" and "anyways" to try to dismiss my argument. Pathetic and very very ironic.

And I find it ironic that you tout the absolute moral superiority of choices made by Democrats when the majority of the most flagrant moral lapses of politicians in recent years have occurred among Democrats. (Larry Craig excepted, and that Florida congressman sending nasty emails to pages.) Please explain to me why you believe a Democrat would never make such a choice. It seems to me that John and Elizabeth Edwards' choice to have him run for president despite his affair and probable fathering of Rielle Hunter's child is not only hurtful to their children, but to the Democratic Party. No? But Democrats never make bad moral choices. . . .
Sorry. Responding to you is beneath my pay grade.
Anonymous wrote:Well, Eugene Robinson disagrees with you.

Eugene Robinson has never, in my memory, said anything complimentary about any Republican in any column. And I read him all the time. What do you expect him to say? He's one of the biggest Obama cheerleaders on the Post staff.

At any rate, none of us know if Palin made this decision without consulting Bristol. It seems pretty unlikely, but go ahead and fire away in the absence of any knowledge. In the meantime, read what Colbert King, another Obama supporter who writes opinion pieces for the Post. He disagrees with you, in a column called "A Story Palin Should Tell":

In the meantime, Richard Cohen, who I've thought was a creep ever since his affair with Peter Jennings' wife, writes that Bristol's business should remain private. . . and the proceeds to dissect it for Post readers. I just love it when he gets on his moral high horse. Now THAT is ironic.
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Anonymous wrote:I heart you!

Proper grammar would have me state "anyway" instead of "anyways".

I am a published writer and I never make spelling or grammatical mistakes in my published work. What I scrawl on a message board is another matter.

I just found it pathetic that the poster had to resort to the difference between "anyway" and "anyways" to try to dismiss my argument. Pathetic and very very ironic.

I agree and will go a step further. We have a policy on our neighborhood message board (at least some of us) that all typos are ascribed to gremlins in cyberspace. If adhered to, this policy saves time, since grammar and spelling are not the real subject, saves you from embarrassing someone who deserves respect even if deficient at literary skills (we have some police on our board who try hard to keep the nbhd up to date, and insulting them would be a crime), or lecturing someone who knows damn well how to write, but is either careless or facetious.

As an old teacher, my natural tendency is to jump in and write corrections, but I really try to control my impulses. In fact, I'm obviously being pedantic right now, and I apologize for that. Nevertheless, I suggest everyone pause before turning English teacher, and ask "Does this really contribute to the discourse, or does it just make me feel good to look smart?"
Eugene Robinson rocks. How can you even compare him to Colby King or Richard Cohen???????

And my friend Eugene is right. I doesn't matter if she "discussed" it with Bristol. The penultimate fact is that she is willing to do this to her daughter.

Anyone read East of Eden? I did a long time ago. Palin reminds me of one of the central characters, who hides her pregnancy, gives birth soundlessly, and then, without even looking at them (twins), hands them off.

Something is wrong with the wires in Palin's head. Every once in a while that does happen -- women become mothers without maternal instinct.
Anonymous wrote:Eugene Robinson rocks. How can you even compare him to Colby King or Richard Cohen???????

And my friend Eugene is right. I doesn't matter if she "discussed" it with Bristol. The penultimate fact is that she is willing to do this to her daughter.

Anyone read East of Eden? I did a long time ago. Palin reminds me of one of the central characters, who hides her pregnancy, gives birth soundlessly, and then, without even looking at them (twins), hands them off.

Something is wrong with the wires in Palin's head. Every once in a while that does happen -- women become mothers without maternal instinct.

Penultimate? "Next to the last"? I don't follow you.

Just for fun, why don't you read the Post story that describes how she takes her kids to work, nurses her son at work, etc. Attacking her "lack of maternal instinct," which seems bizarre to me, is sexism. Attack her policy views instead, why don't you? She's running for vice president, not for mother of the year.

It's not bizarre, and it is far from sexist.

Like I illustrated in the beginning: even though I did not breast feed for long at all, when I went away for one night I started lactating from thinking about/worrying about my child so much. My husband did not lactate. That is not sexist.

What made me lactate: maternal instinct. It certainly had no basis in psychiology or logic. A small minority of mothers don't seem to be wired properly. We've all known a couple; Sarah Palin is just another example.

Women and men are different. Vive la difference!
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