Sarah Palin is so refreshing, bold and energetic!

I think all Obama supporters should change sides!!

Forget the fact that she believes in intelligent design; is against abortion 100% of the time; has negligible experience, and was downright MEAN to Barack Obama, who has never said a negative thing about her.

"Being a mayor of a small town is sort of like being a community organizer -- only with real responsibilities."

"The presidency is not a journey of self-discovery." (heaving sarcasm and roll of eyes).

"Barack Obama has authored two books, but never written a single law." (This may be true; it is very hard to write a bill that eventually passes as law. I would bet he's written plenty of proposed legislation).

"After the lights go off in the stadium and the styrofoam columns have been taken back to some studio lot . . . "

I think that Palin enjoys making gratuitous, nasty remarks. As she proclaimed, she's a pit bull with lipstick (isn't that lovely?) I think her personality speaks to what is dark in all of us. Seeing mockery, sarcasm, and condescension sanctioned on stage to roars of applause I think in some way makes people feel more comfortable with the parts of themselves with which they are uncomfortable.

But that's not a reason to vote for her and her odious policies.

And on another matter, since everyone thinks her family was so cute: Downs babies are extremely vulnerable to illness and infections. Much more so than your average 4-month-old baby. Seeing that baby passed, like some beast of burden, from Bristol, to Cindy, to Daddy, and then to some younger member of the family who repeatedly licked her hands and rubbed his head, then finally to mom who paraded him around did not impress me in the least.

That baby should not have been exposed to so many germs at such a young age and for a political purpose.

C'mon, people -- let's not even linger to much on the Treg issue. Would you want her for your mom?

I suffer from many faults as a mother. I need my "me time". I allow my children to watch television that contains adult (Larry David) and obscene (the Republican National Convention) material. I yell too much. I am not terribly well-organized and can't keep a linen closet for shit. I turned my back for two moments this morning and, when I turned around I found my daughter squeezing the contents of an Omega-3 softgel into her mouth. I spent the next twenty minutes contacting and speaking to Poison Control (she's fine). I could continue to list my shortcomings, but honestly, there isn't enough room in cyberspace. I am no sanctimommy.

But I am not a monster. If my daughter gets pregnant when she's 17, I will do everything I possibly can to support her.

If she wants an abortion without anyone knowing about it, I'll help her get that done.

If we walk into the doctor's office and she has second thoughts, I'll encourage her to leave and take her to lunch. I will go through that revolving door of the doctor's office as many times as she needs -- whether it be none or 100.

If she wants to marry the father, I'll give her the nicest wedding I can afford.

If she'd prefer not to have anything to do with the father, I'll do everything I am legally allowed to do to "persuade" him to get out of Dodge.

If she wants to maintain a relationship with him and the child, I will treat him like a son.

If she wants to give her child up for adoption, I'll support her in that.

If she wants to change her mind at any point in the adoption process, I'll do everything I am permitted to do by law to protect her interests.

If she wants to keep the baby and still go to college, I will try to help with the baby as much as I can. If she wants me to butt out, I'll be gone.

I can't cook for shit, but I would never accept the chance to be VP, President, a trillion dollars, or a promise from god of immortal health if the offer were conditioned on compromising the well-being of my daughter in a very fundamental way. If my daughter ever becomes 17, unmarried and pregnant, you will not find me accepting the nomination for the Vice Presidency on a national stage without first -- and at the very, very least, talking to my daughter.

This is one hard-hearted woman. It therefore should not be surprising that her speech had no heart. Not one mention of health care, education, poverty, race relations, civil rights -- nothing.

Contrast that with Obama, who wants to keep your kids' toys safe.

The choice could not be clearer.

Great post! Thanks.
I totally agree. Infact I got so bored and disgusted with her sarcasm that I didn't even watch her whole speech. To compare herself to Obama? give me a break.
I agree she comes across as a hard hearted, sarcastic woman with no real substance. McCain just wanted to cause a commotion, he did not chose her because she was the best candidate, he chose her because he need the conservative votes...and that is not a reason to let her be a heart beat away from being a president. I can't even imagine her as president of the United States.
Dems should reopen their convention so OP could could tell that to the country.
Happy to. And I'll do it without the use of a teleprompter (reference to thread in which Palin's alleged ability to speak without a teleprompter is made into some big deal).
Loved her speech!

Her sarcasm: "Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems - as if we all didn't know that already. But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all."

She called it like it was: "But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform - not even in the state senate."

She really started to roll with: "Terrorist states are seeking new-clear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.

Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big ... he wants to grow it.

Congress spends too much ... he promises more.

Taxes are too high ... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan..."

Anonymous wrote:Loved her speech!

Her sarcasm: "Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems - as if we all didn't know that already. But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all."

She called it like it was: "But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform - not even in the state senate."

She really started to roll with: "Terrorist states are seeking new-clear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.

Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big ... he wants to grow it.

Congress spends too much ... he promises more.

Taxes are too high ... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan..."

I hope this does not sound snarky, but don't you wish we knew who wrote that stuff? Perhaps some of that is hers, or it may all be carry-overs from the original speech written for a yet-to-picked VP nominee. Since she said it, I guess she takes the credit or blame (depending on your viewpoint), but it would help in assessing this new person to know which parts of it came from her head and not just through her mouth.
Huh? What's up with the new-clear? Were they afraid she'd say nuke-you-lure like Bush?
What we sometimes forget is that yes the US was attacked on 9/11...the war with the US lasted one day and left devastating effects...many people died, lost family members, we lost fireman, but guess what ....The people of Iraq have been at war for the last seven years, for every day, not just one day of their life...think of all the effects it's having on the innocent bystander families and loved ones...I am not saying that we should not fight to find Bin Laden, but what I am saying is that the war in Iraq was wrong and Obama was right and it is time to end this devastation more for the sake of Americans than anyone else. Even the General doesn't talk about winning or losing, because this is not about winning or losing anymore...the loses are so huge that no winning or so called feeling of win will help...what is the criteria for "winning the war" in Iraq as McCain calls it to be his mission, what are the targets that will make us say that we won the war, a war that is only on the Iraqi soil not on the American soil....I don't feel safer anymore, I feel that now they are planning even more than they would have, I feel unsafe because it seems like instead of attacking the enemy in Afghanistan, we diverted attention to a place which now has more enemies for the US than ever before, how is that safer for the Americans??? what do we understand about their culture and their religion...we don't...enough damage to the American people, the economy has been done with this war that should not have happened in the first place, and any president who wants to continue till we "win" does not have my support. If the next four years are McCain/Palin than good luck to us, and we should pray to whoever we pray to for survival. I support our efforts in Afghanistan and pakistan, but Iraq is a different ball game altogether. We lost the war against terrorism the day we decided to attack Iraq!
To "loved the speech"

"Congress spends too much ... he promises more.

Taxes are too high ... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan..."

Do you even know that JOHN MCCAIN PLANS to TAX your HEALTH BENEFITS? (If you are even lucky enough to have them)????

Get smart - do your homework. Do not listen to the Karl Rove playbook lies that were told at the convention. Did you even notice how everyone denigrated the dems and Barack, then John McCain gets on stage and says he is a person who reaches across the aisle?

Decreasing taxes is NOT a strategy for fixing our economy. If it were, we would not have the highest unemployment in 4 years, a HUGE budget deficit, and people losing their homes by the millions.

Yes, we all want low taxes. But I want someone who has an actual plan to fix the economy rather than pander to the public by selling lower taxes. True, it helped Bush get elected, but look where we are now.
I agreed with Jeffrey Toobin's analysis (and the OP's) -- she was smug, sarcastic, and cutting. Her negative tone turned me off as much as her repellent ideology.
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