NCS says no contact naps. Is she too strict?

Why do you have this NCS anyway? Is this a nurse or a glorified babysitter? Does the baby have special medical needs?

I feel like she's trying to give "different" advice from the norm in order to maintain some kind of "specialist" title and billing rate.
Follow Pedimom on Facebook/Instagram. It’s a safety issue - babies have died napping on a parent when the parent accidentally fell asleep. Napping in a crib or bassinet with no covers or stuffed animals is the safest.
I contact napped during the daytime until my baby no longer wanted it - after a little over a year. It was the sweetest time. I had a mattress pad on the floor and baby slept on me. My nanny also told me not to do it bc she said it would be a problem later on, and it never was. Baby slept fine on her own through the night.
A friend of mine followed a very strict sleep schedule with her kids, and shared that she literally never had her babies fall asleep in her arms. I could not imagine such a thing. Watching my children fall asleep as I held them is such a core memory for me.
Contact naps are good for you and good for your baby. My first contact napped almost every nap. My second is in the NICU where I've repeatedly been told that contact naps are not just good, but important for brain development. I had so many days of parental leave spent snuggling a sleeping baby. I got nothing done, and I don't regret a single contact nap. I have the whole rest of my life to put away the dishes.and my oldest started sleeping through the night all on his own. Why would you be strict with a baby?
Have not read all the replies but contact napped with both my kids for at least some of their naps until we sleep trained at 6 months and it was not an issue at all. Both have been amazing independent sleepers since. Hold your baby as much as you want, please!
Anonymous wrote:So you're only supposed to hold the baby when they are awake?? Hard no from me.

Agree, this makes no sense. I will say, you should not fall asleep while having your baby nap on you – though I did that but only if my husband was sitting next to us and totally awake and so could make sure the baby stayed in a safe position.
Sounds like NCS is on her way to stressing you and the baby out tremendously. Hold your baby. That's how you bond with them. They need it and you need it.
Where did this “expert” get her training, TikTok?
Exactly, "NCS" is a made up title.

This is the nursing equivalent of "Nobody gets fired for buying IBM". It's ultra-safe, but it's also the equivalent of having your child wear a padded suit and helmet the rest of her life.

Anonymous wrote:How many children does she have? How well adjusted are they?

Babies need to be held. The majority of the world co-sleeps.

“Sleep training” is an abomination that essentially ignores the child’s needs until it gives up.

+ 1,000 - Only drunk or drugged up people should not hold babies.

Please ignore that bad advice, OP. Maybe she’s just following her instructor’s advice. Hold your babies, people.
Holding a sleeping newborn is one of the life's greatest joys. Tell the NCS to pound sand and enjoy your baby.
Ugh. My very, very favorite memories from my second child were the afternoon naps where I nursed her, then had her fall asleep on my chest while I lay on the bed. I did this to induce her to sleep while my 2.5 year old was also taking his afternoon nap. The house was so silent and peaceful for the period of time where this worked. Did I get anything done? No, but it was so unbelievably pleasant anyway.

Daughter is 2 and naps and sleeps without any intervention from me.
Anonymous wrote:We hired a newborn care specialist for our newborn and she told us not to do any contact naps. She’s very strict about all naps (daytime too) being in the bassinet or a safe sleep space.

She says it’s a safety issue and will also make sleep training harder.

It kind of breaks my heart. Obviously we can do what we want but she has great reviews so I figured she knows what she’s doing.

Hot take but i think she's just lazy. You should tell her to do contact naps with your baby. Or just fire her and get someone who will
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