Does my daughter have any chance....

Applied for k at Gds, Potomac, maret, Sheridan, Norwood, river, Lowell and green acres and Barrie.

Her full scale is 135, 98%, but she has fine motor issues. We were very open about it and she is getting OT 3 times per week. The feedback from
The play visits that we got was they were good. We are nobodies, no big connections, no big money and not a minority. Does she have a chance?

I am really worried about the fine
Motor issue and are they not going to accept her? Does anyone have a K admit with fine motor issues. Does anyone have a child at one of the schools with these issues?

Yes she has a chance. How old is she (birthday month) and are the issues significant for her everyday activitties?
You applied to a wide range of schools. I think she has a very good chance of being admitted to many.
I am sure she will get in somewhere. Nine schools. Wow. You had a busy time of it! Let us know!
I predict 7 acceptances, and 2 WLs. Congratulations!
Don't worry, you will at least have a choice of where to go! No way you will get shut out.
We know Gds and sidwell are long shots. Hoping for Sheridan. Lowell, green acres and barrie are safety schools and not what we really wanted Fine motor is significant but is working on it.

Well, good luck, but we admitted OT and got rejected from 4 schools on your list. Admitted to 1 on your list. Ultimately went to a school not on your list and have been very happy. Keep at it.
She’ll definitely be accepted at Barrie. They have had low enrollment numbers for years. BTW - Montessori would work great at helping her with her fine motor skills
Fine motor skills are unlikelly to be an obstacle at GDS, from what I've seen.

And the kids I know who have come to GDS from Lowell and Green Acres are great kids who really valued (and flourished as a result of) the education they got at those schools. The whole "safety school" idea is an admissions year POV -- not a reflection of what these schools have to offer.

Good luck -- and don't be too worried (easier said than done, I know)!!
I am going through my first year of the admission process so I have no constructive feedback but I just want to wish you luck and I am sure your wonderful daughter will get into a great school that will be able to meet all of her needs. WOW 9 schools I thought I was doing alot with 7 schools you certainly have been busy. For the next couple of weeks we just have to find something else to do with our time besides worry. Good luck to you
Barrie is generally a sure bet and actually would be good for someone with some fine motor skill issues.
Barrie would be great a great choice! Good luck...
I have had kids with horrible graphomotor issues at three of the schools you applied to.
School director here, wishing you the best of luck in your search.

Just food for thought, a student of ours this year was having some difficulty with his writing grip, but has shown marked improvement--and less frustration--since his teachers began using the Handwriting Without Tears program. Other students have realized similar benefits.
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