gym membership vs elliptical machine at home?

Anonymous wrote:

This is the one we have, this link to amazon has some reviews too. "

Is that gym quality?

This was cybex's first home item, all their other stuff is for gyms. So it is built for the home but to me it feels very similar to the ones in the gym.
Here's a guy who says there's big difference between the home version and the gym version
Anonymous wrote:We have an elliptical and it gets a ton of use - probably 5-7 nights a week, by one or both of us. The key for us: TV with TiVo (or DVR), keep our favorite shows on it, and we're highly incentivized to get down to the basement and watch those shows...oh yeah, and work out, too.

This is what we did too. The DVR is such a key motivation for me, and makes the workout time fly by. We got a treadmill.
We have an elliptical and a bowflex and DH and I both use them regularly. It's like anything--even if you pay big $ for a gym membership or have a free gym in your buidling it doesn't mean you'll use it. You'll know best whether you'll use it or not. Having in-house gym equipment definitely means that we work out WAY more often than otherwise. Of course, now we think the elliptical is boooorrriiing. We need to put a tv in the gym (don't have one in there currently). That should help.

We bought a decent quality home version of the elliptical (schwinn, it's ok) from Amazon. It's fine. A friend bought a gym quality elliptical off of Craigslist last year (it was basically brand new, previous owner used it as a clothes hanger). No return policy but it may well be worth the risk.
If you are like us? You have gym membership(s), yes plural, work out facilities at the office, a cybex machine and other machines at home. And it's still hard to work out! Best thing is a routine. Don't mess with it. Kirstie Alley claims to have gained back all the lost weight because she moved her exercise machine to the garage and she doesn't like to work out there. Not sure I believe her, but I do believe that a routine is the best way to stay on track.
PP, that is not gym quality. It's the home version (and gets lesser reviews). The gym quality is really nice and costs about $6K. More bells and whistles, and lasts longer, supposedly.
I have a spinning bike at home, a step, some free weights and tons of step aerobics dvds. And I use all of them regularly. It's so much easier to workout every day when I just get up and go to my living room (I live in a small 2-bedroom condo). Plus I have a jog stroller, and I go for runs with my DD when the weather is nice. The best part of it all is that we save $110/month that we were paying for our gym membership.
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