I finally spoke up! Handicapped tags related

Where were you headed?

Into a store to walk around for hours?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Today, as I cheerfully jumped out of my car (parked at the fourth handicapped spot, the farthest from the door) a woman walked by towards her car parked next to mine in the 3rd spot and said "Oh I see you look very handicapped"

I gathered all the anger I had inside of me for all the nasty looks and under the breath comments I have to put up with and approached her "Do you want to see the oozing wounds on the soles of my feet or you prefer a doctor's note explaining in detail the horrible pain I have in every single joint of my body when I have a flare up of my condition?

The woman's jaw dropped. I went on and on telling her to mind her own business, that she should be ashamed of judging people like that finished saying that if she had any shame she should apologize for being so nasty. She apologized and said she thought I was using someone else's tag. I looked into her eyes and said "No they're mine and you should be ashamed of yourself"

There. I said it! Finally it's out of my chest! And it feels good!!!!

I had so many plans for a rare painless day. Argh!

Maybe it was the cheerful jump that made her think you weren't handicapped. It's not her (or my) business, but since you put it out here, maybe you should only take advantage of the sticker when you are having a flare up, so as to leave room for those people that are having flare ups now?

That was my initial thought, but then thought maybe walking on her feet too much can either cause a flare-up and/or makes the wounds on her feet worse. BTW, no judging here! I'll take my health and parking / walking far any day over the alternative.

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Today, as I cheerfully jumped out of my car (parked at the fourth handicapped spot, the farthest from the door) a woman walked by towards her car parked next to mine in the 3rd spot and said "Oh I see you look very handicapped"

I gathered all the anger I had inside of me for all the nasty looks and under the breath comments I have to put up with and approached her "Do you want to see the oozing wounds on the soles of my feet or you prefer a doctor's note explaining in detail the horrible pain I have in every single joint of my body when I have a flare up of my condition?

The woman's jaw dropped. I went on and on telling her to mind her own business, that she should be ashamed of judging people like that finished saying that if she had any shame she should apologize for being so nasty. She apologized and said she thought I was using someone else's tag. I looked into her eyes and said "No they're mine and you should be ashamed of yourself"

There. I said it! Finally it's out of my chest! And it feels good!!!!

I had so many plans for a rare painless day. Argh!

You cheerfully jumped out of your car....

She thought you were using someone else's tag--I suspect on other days, you'd be applauding her for saying something to someone who was doing just that.

Yeaaayy for you! You berated someone today!!!! Whhooohooo!!!

Happy now?

Well, the woman who initially made the comment berated her too, so woooohooooo for her! Yeah! She berated someone who rightfully had a handicapped tag using a spot. Good for her!!!!!

By the way, I missed the memo where if you're using a handicapped spot you can't be cheerful.

I know, right? Should OP be miserable at all times to appease the handicap judges?
OP, do you have a flare-up of your condition right now? Do you have oozing spots on your feet right now?
Anonymous wrote:Why do you assholes care? OP has a disability. Maybe she doesn't know when the flareup will occur.

Because when people come on her to brag about being an asshole themselves, it's hard not to respond in the same fashion. Everyone has a story, and OP doesn't know her accuser's either!
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Why do you assholes care? OP has a disability. Maybe she doesn't know when the flareup will occur.

Because when people come on her to brag about being an asshole themselves, it's hard not to respond in the same fashion. Everyone has a story, and OP doesn't know her accuser's either!

Why would the accuser's story matter here? The accuser rudely muttered something to OP, a stranger. I'm can't really think of what would make the accuser's utterance acceptable.

Good for you, OP.
Jumping could make your sores worse, OP. Next time avoid the jumping.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Why do you assholes care? OP has a disability. Maybe she doesn't know when the flareup will occur.

Because when people come on her to brag about being an asshole themselves, it's hard not to respond in the same fashion. Everyone has a story, and OP doesn't know her accuser's either!

Why would the accuser's story matter here? The accuser rudely muttered something to OP, a stranger. I'm can't really think of what would make the accuser's utterance acceptable.

Good for you, OP.

Maybe the accuser's daughter uses a very heavy wheelchair and she's found herself having to park far away because of all the people falsely using handicapped spaces.
Anonymous wrote:Glad you did speak up. People really should be aware that less visible conditions can be debilitating, too.

Good for you! I had a man say basically the same thing and I let him have it as well.
Forget whether the disability is visible or not--the question is whether OP had ANY disability at the time she parked in the handicap spot.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Today, as I cheerfully jumped out of my car (parked at the fourth handicapped spot, the farthest from the door) a woman walked by towards her car parked next to mine in the 3rd spot and said "Oh I see you look very handicapped"

I gathered all the anger I had inside of me for all the nasty looks and under the breath comments I have to put up with and approached her "Do you want to see the oozing wounds on the soles of my feet or you prefer a doctor's note explaining in detail the horrible pain I have in every single joint of my body when I have a flare up of my condition?

The woman's jaw dropped. I went on and on telling her to mind her own business, that she should be ashamed of judging people like that finished saying that if she had any shame she should apologize for being so nasty. She apologized and said she thought I was using someone else's tag. I looked into her eyes and said "No they're mine and you should be ashamed of yourself"

There. I said it! Finally it's out of my chest! And it feels good!!!!

I had so many plans for a rare painless day. Argh!

You cheerfully jumped out of your car....

She thought you were using someone else's tag--I suspect on other days, you'd be applauding her for saying something to someone who was doing just that.

Yeaaayy for you! You berated someone today!!!! Whhooohooo!!!

Happy now?

Well, the woman who initially made the comment berated her too, so woooohooooo for her! Yeah! She berated someone who rightfully had a handicapped tag using a spot. Good for her!!!!!

By the way, I missed the memo where if you're using a handicapped spot you can't be cheerful.

Well, if you're fortunate enough to JUMP CHEERFULLY from the car, you probably don't need the spot. But I'll ask my paralyzed uncle if he ever jumps cheerfully out.

Are you so narrow minded and lack critical thinking in all areas of your life, or is it specific to this issue?
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Why do you assholes care? OP has a disability. Maybe she doesn't know when the flareup will occur.

Because when people come on her to brag about being an asshole themselves, it's hard not to respond in the same fashion. Everyone has a story, and OP doesn't know her accuser's either!

Why would the accuser's story matter here? The accuser rudely muttered something to OP, a stranger. I'm can't really think of what would make the accuser's utterance acceptable.

Good for you, OP.

Maybe the accuser's daughter uses a very heavy wheelchair and she's found herself having to park far away because of all the people falsely using handicapped spaces.

She was parked closer to the door than OP was. So, no.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Why do you assholes care? OP has a disability. Maybe she doesn't know when the flareup will occur.

Because when people come on her to brag about being an asshole themselves, it's hard not to respond in the same fashion. Everyone has a story, and OP doesn't know her accuser's either!

Why would the accuser's story matter here? The accuser rudely muttered something to OP, a stranger. I'm can't really think of what would make the accuser's utterance acceptable.

Good for you, OP.

Maybe the accuser's daughter uses a very heavy wheelchair and she's found herself having to park far away because of all the people falsely using handicapped spaces.

But how does she know the people are falsely using them unless she's making mean comments to everyone she sees using a handicapped sign?
Anonymous wrote:But why did you need to park there at all if you were having a painfree day?

+100. I agree. It is asinine for someone to use a handicap spot when they know that they DO NOT need it, regardless of whether or not that person may lawfully park there. C'mon. Common sense.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:But why did you need to park there at all if you were having a painfree day?

+100. I agree. It is asinine for someone to use a handicap spot when they know that they DO NOT need it, regardless of whether or not that person may lawfully park there. C'mon. Common sense.

How is OP supposed to know WHEN she will have a flare up? You people are ridiculous.
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