Dear DSCPS, That's it I'm cheating!!!

Anonymous wrote:You wouldn't have to worry about lying to other parents, you just say you moved oob which is what many responses were about another post moving oob after getting in ib preference.

When you move out of boundary after (supposedly) being in-boundary you have to an OK from the principal to allow your child to continue to attend the school as oob. Principals are under a lot of pressure to say no.don't assume you can claim IB status and then "move" back to your OOB home and get to stay. You might not.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:You wouldn't have to worry about lying to other parents, you just say you moved oob which is what many responses were about another post moving oob after getting in ib preference.

When you move out of boundary after (supposedly) being in-boundary you have to an OK from the principal to allow your child to continue to attend the school as oob. Principals are under a lot of pressure to say no.don't assume you can claim IB status and then "move" back to your OOB home and get to stay. You might not.

Well I'll let you know how that goes.
OP, I understand your annoance with the lottery. I moved in-bound for the "best" DCPS and my DD was WL. She was WL at every school on our list. The funny part is, I don't think I'd take the spot if offered because I am having a change of heart about the school and would rather she got in my third or fouth choice. From what DCPS officals have told me, once you're in the school, you're in until your kid graduates.

Now as for the MD tags that I see all of the time when I walk DD to PS, oh that boils my blood. There is too little enforement with kids who use their grandparents address to attend a PS-K full day. Charters are even worse when it comes to verifying that kids live in the city.
Here is what you need (I work for a school, so believe me, I know)

1 of the following:
-paystub with dc taxes taken out reflecting a dc address in the last 45 days
-proof of govt financial assistance
(other various which are obscure like embassy letter stating that the student resides at the embassy with the address stated and a stamp, etc)

2 of the following:
-dc id
-car registration
-2 months utility bill w/ receipts
-lease with receipts of 2 months paid rent
(some other obscure ones, etc)

You do need to provide proof annually. Depending on the school, especially DCPS and not a charter, they'll never investigate.
PP here, it's either one of the first category or two of the second
Charters require the same thing and they do indeed verify.
Anonymous wrote:Charters require the same thing and they do indeed verify.

Heh. I've seen plenty of MD plates dropping kids off at Stokes.
I wonder if some Marylanders put their parents water in their name and then have the utility bills.
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Charters require the same thing and they do indeed verify.

Heh. I've seen plenty of MD plates dropping kids off at Stokes.

My kid goes to Stokes and try do the same verification as dcps so if there are MD residents they're cheaters and you can't fault the school for that
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Charters require the same thing and they do indeed verify.

Heh. I've seen plenty of MD plates dropping kids off at Stokes.

My kid goes to Stokes and try do the same verification as dcps so if there are MD residents they're cheaters and you can't fault the school for that

My kid goes to Stokes too. A lot of those MD plates are grandmothers picking up. Some are dad's with MD registered trucks from the companies they work for. Some might be actual cheaters, but I don't think so.
I know a family that goes to Stokes and they are cheating the system because both parents live in MD.
Anonymous wrote:You wouldn't have to worry about lying to other parents, you just say you moved oob which is what many responses were about another post moving oob after getting in ib preference.

Given how overcrowded the JKLMO schools are you may not be able to do so. I know for a fact that Murch is not allowing kids who moved to return next year.
Anonymous wrote:I know a family that goes to Stokes and they are cheating the system because both parents live in MD.

If it is the same family I know, they live in MD but maintain a house in DC, and they pay taxes and keep their cars registered at that address. Technically that might be cheating, but I don't care b/c they are paying their way just like a DC resident. Personally, I don't care where you sleep, I want to know where you pay taxes.
[...I realize many are probably scofflaws, but just remember that there ARE some Maryland parents who PAY out of state tuition to attend their DCPS...]
So many people cheat. In the carpool lane at our local elementary school, John Eaton, I'd guess that 40% of the license plates are from Maryland. Something is fishy.
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