Worried baby swallowed my earring

PP here, again, both my kids were sick earlier this week with the SAME THING - temp of 103, super clingy and fussy.

I would hold off on the X-ray unless your pediatrician (have you called them yet???) says that they think it's a good idea. Chances are, they'll want you to come in first or look for other symptoms. Go to a specialist, not an urgent care clinic where the staff aren't likely to have seen something like this before.

Radiation does funny things to cells (that's why it causes cancer), so I would absolutely hold off unless your ped tells you otherwise.
OP, this one is a really touch call.

Are you sure your 10 month old has the manual dexterity to pick up a small pearl earring? I can't remember that far back with my own kids.

Can you look again, really ahrd, all throughout your house or apartment, fo rthe earring? Could it have fallen off outside?

I can see why the fever would be troubling you, and if you knew that the baby had swallowed something I'd say go to the doctor right away, of course, for an earring.

If I were you I'd run this by your baby's ped now.
I mean, tough call!
15:32- this is OP. How long did the fever and fussiness last? She has been sick since late yesterday afternoon. Thanks everyone for the great advice! Still looking for the earring.
My nanny was changing my son's diaper one day and noticed that her earring was missing and the back, exactly like in your case, was on her ear. Then she realized that something is in my son's mouth, she opened his mouth and managed to take out her earring. She hadn't noticed how he got it! My son was about 7 months old... I am writing to confirm that it is possible that your child ate it. AND - if he did, you better take him to the hospital. A friend of mind had a surgery after swallowing a pence. It didn't pass...
Go over every inch of your house with a fine-toothed comb. One of my twins stood on the toilet and grabbed my wedding ring off a shelf in my bathroom once and I was convinced she had eaten it because I couldn't find it anywhere. I was checking all her diapers and watching her for signs of distress for days. Then my husband finally found it behind the toilet wedged in the crack between the toilet and the bathroom floor. A pearl earring is small and could be anywhere.
I'm not sure why people keep saying 10 month olds don't have the dexterity to pick up a pearl earring. Most definately do. An earring isn't much smaller than a cheerio, and usually bigger than a pea. Both of which most 8 months old can manage, much less 10 month olds.


OP, any update?

Also, I was wondering if the Dr. could maybe do an ultrasound over an X-ray? I'm not sure what the protocol is for swallowed items!

I'm always so worried my 14 month old is going to swallow something, he finds all these little things to put in his mouth! My Husband takes the stance of "It will pass if he swallows it" which makes me even more nervous in a way!

Good luck to you!

OP here. I spoke with my ped, he said that odds are she didn't swallow it, so we are doing "watch and wait" and checking all her diapers. As for the fever, my toddler came home this evening and immediately projectile vomited all over my living room floor, so I think they both must have some sort of virus thing.

Thanks to all for the support/advice. Still no sign of the earring. On the bright side, I don't think my house has ever been this clean- we have scoured every inch and still no sign of the stupid thing!!
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