Back Pain - when do you get concerned?

So I got thinking on my drive home while in quite a bit of pain....when does back pain mean something else besides "hey it is a part of pregnancy"? Are there other symptoms (besides contractions) that meant something to you when in conjunction with a back issue?

I am going between sciatic pain and throbbing discomfort pain all day today and believe myself to be fine as the last few days just haven't been nice to me and I seem to have some ache that bothers me all day then goes away the next. (2 days ago it was ribcage, today and yesterday headaches). However, b/c I have been fairly pain free up until now (32 weeks) all teh sudden pain got me thinking about how to know when back pain crosses the line from normal to something not right.

I had the same back pain right around 32 weeks as well. I think the baby was in a bad position and was pressing on my spine. I could barely walk a block or two without being really uncomfortable. Fortunately, it only lasted about 2 weeks and then went away (to be quickly replaced by heartburn and shortness of breath!). I would bring it up to your OB and see what you can take (tylenol should be ok) but I also think it is par for the course in pregnancy...
I started getting a little back pain around that time too and continued to swim which really seems to help. Also, I filled a sock with rice and microwave it for a few minutes then put it where I am sore which, also, helps.
I've been seeing a chiropractor for my back pain and getting massages. Also, using a maternity support belt has helped (though I don't wear it as often as I should). Back pain is a common symptom of pregnancy, but there are ways to find relief so don't just suffer with it - do something! I also concur with a PP that swimming has helped me as well.
I would call your OB if it is concerning to you - there is no reason not to. Let the OB or at least their nurse help you decide when you shoudl worry about it. I won't go into details but I wish I had worried more in the past. Many women get back pain in pregnancy and it is most commonly due to the increased lordosis in your spine, the lack of support from your abdominal muscles and the increase of a hormone - relaxin - which is to help you during birth. But - it doesn't hurt to call your OB and disuss your concerns.
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