5 cm dilated but not in labor!

I am totally effaced and 5 cm dilated but not in labor. Has anyone had this situation and how long did it last before you went into labor?
i've been at 3cm for 2 weeks. someone sent me a link to this yesterday and it kind of helped so wanted to send it along. it kind of made me realize that maybe there's nothing wrong with my body but maybe there is something wrong with getting cervical checks before labor good luck to you!


So checking your cervix does not tell us: when you will go into labor, how fast your labor will be, or how easy or challenging your labor will be.

Ah, but checking your cervix prenatally DOES do SOMETHING!! It ruins the end of your pregnancy.

If you are not dilated yet, then that means you will begin doubting your body, feeling broken, doubting that this baby will “ever be born”. Please be reassured, the longest human pregnancy ever recorded was not “forever”. These moms who find out that they aren’t dilated leave my office discouraged, often looking beaten down and sad. What a terrible thing to feel when you are right on the cusp of having your baby! (Sometimes you’re only hours away from labor!) Your body has known how to conceive this baby, it has (without our assistance) been able to grow from a teeny tiny egg mixed with an even teenier sperm into an entire person!! A full grown baby with toes and hair and the cutest butt cheeks you’ll ever see!! It’s done this miraculous thing…and now, based on a stupid cervical check, you will lose a huge amount of faith in its ability to finish the job it started so perfectly? SHAME ON YOU! Your body is amazing, incredible, creating life! It deserves our utmost adoration…now is not the time to start doubting it! What has it done to deserve your skepticism of its perfection? Nothing…absolutely nothing!

If she is dilating…then celebration and feelings of accomplishment and she will then often run home and tell everyone that the baby is going to come at any moment! She quickly puts all of her affairs in order making sure everything is ready for the baby…and then she waits….
And she waits…
And I see her at the office a week later…and she’s smiling….sort of. Why isn’t the baby here? And another week goes by (that’s a long time to hold your breath) and she’s still pregnant. It is only her estimated due date (which is a whole other blog post rant for me to tackle) and yet she FEELS 2 weeks late because she thought the baby was going to come 2 weeks ago when we did an internal exam on her. This is the mom that usually wants to start talking about inducing at home because her cervix is “favorable” and because she feels 2 weeks late.

So if we hadn’t checked these women’s cervix prenatally, the not dilated mother would have gone into labor and had her baby on her baby’s good time, and the dilated mother would have gone into labor and had her baby on her baby’s good time. What did we accomplish here?

So why do so many care providers do routine internal exams on every mother late in their pregnancy? I think that’s an excellent question for you to ask your care provider…and if there is an answer, I am very curious to hear it – because I can’t think of a good reason at all!

I actually don't mind getting the exams...just was curious about people's experiences once they are this far along. I'm just wondering if this means labor is right around the corner and will be fast.
For me, I was 4 cm at 37 weeks for each of my 3 children. DC #1 = delivered on due date, #2 = 1 week late, #3 a few days early.

Once I went into labor, it flew. Total time from 1st sign of labor until baby in my arms:
DC #1 = 4 hours (with an EPI which I believe slowed down the process), #2 = 40 minutes, #3 1 hour

For each of my pregnancies, I was told to go to the hospital as soon as I had any sign of labor as opposed to laboring at home. Once my contractions did start they were very regular and only 3 minutes apart.

Best of luck to you
Went in for my weekly visist and was 3cm. The next week, I was 5cm and not in labor. My Dr told me that since I was halfway there, once labor started I wouldn't have much time to get my toddler to a sitter and make it to the hospital. So she induced me that same day.
OP ,you are really lucky. The longest, hardest part of labor for most women is that 1-5 centimeter stretch. When you go into labor, it should be nice and short!

I walked around at 4 cm dilated for 2 weeks with my second dc--he came in less than 3 hours. GL.
Anonymous wrote:Went in for my weekly visist and was 3cm. The next week, I was 5cm and not in labor. My Dr told me that since I was halfway there, once labor started I wouldn't have much time to get my toddler to a sitter and make it to the hospital. So she induced me that same day.

Sooo....how was the induction? Was it a super short labor?
OP - Thank you for this information. We have a toddler at home so it sounds like we need some swift babysitting options in play! I just wonder how much more dilated I could be and still be walking around. And -- I know this sounds crazy -- but I'm nervous I won't recognize the contractions. My water broke as my first symptom last time and the first contractions I felt were on petocin (labor stalled) and they were like dynamite shots of pain. I never felt the early contractions. I'm having BH so often at this point and the baby's movements are so uncomfortable that I have this terrible thought i won't recognize labor. I'm sure that's crazy.
I was 3 cm when I was induced - though in fact, all the OB did was break my water and I was holding my baby 1.5 hours later. If yo;re already 5 cm, you're going to go fast. Will your OB talk about inducing you (just to ease your childcare worries)? I would be worried about making it to the hospital in time - perhaps your OB will take pity on you?!
I had this situation not a week ago. Our DD is now 6 days old. I was 4 cms and totally effaced for awhile, even experiencing pretty regular contractions. My practice would not induce me before 39 weeks, so I was sent home from the hospital twice. Well, on Saturday morning, I woke up feeling 'different' but not contracting. We went to the hospital expecting to be sent home but we had a baby 30 minutes later. I had dilated to a 9 without knowing and without my water breaking. You'll go fast, be very observant with your body. My delivery was scary, although the outcome was great, I don't necessarily wish that kind of experience on anyone!
PP, what was scary about it? Were you afreaid you wouldn't make it to the hospital or were there complications? Just curious. I am worried about the chilcare thing this time, too. Also worried b/c I am trying to have fewer interventions this time but have no doula.
3 cm for 2 weeks. 4 cm for 2 more weeks, delivered 5 days past due date. But I spent those 4 weeks worrying that my body was just not getting it, that there was something wrong, that I could go into labor any moment. The check-ups were fine, but I began to worry a few days later that the "you'll deliver any day now" was never going to happen....just as the pp noted. There is what they say 'a wide range of normal'.

Once labor came, it was fast. within 2 hours of my noticing painful contractions, though I probably had earlier ones that felt like cramps. I would head to the hospital as soon as you have regular intervals.
OP here. Thank you all for your advice and perspective. I definitely feel like I'm on "high alert" -- every little twitch and movement I wonder if it's a contraction. Still hanging in there.
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