Do you brush your DC's teeth in the morning (those in daycare)?

It's already a struggle to brush my almost 2 year old's teeth in the evening. Not really a struggle, I should say, just time consuming. Thinking that I should start doing it in the morning also, but DS is not a very happy toddler in the mornings and I need him dressed and ready for school, so I'm afraid to make our mornings more complicated (even though it seems to be a simple task).
We try to do it in the morning and at night, but it really takes about 12 seconds - her teeth are so small! I could see it being more of a pain if it's a struggle, but the more you do it the more used it to your child will get (in theory!).

We do. It eventually gets easier (not easy, mind you).
Nope. And mine is 3 yo. Of course I should be...but mornings are so friggin chaotic. Thanks for the reminder, though, that I should be trying harder.
Yes. It's gotten easier over time. There's another thread on toddler toothbrushing where you may get some ideas for making it easier.
We do. DD is 8mos old and we started when she cut her first teeth. We co-sleep and I feel better if she starts the day with any overnight breastmilk residue off her teeth.
Yep, we brush both our kids teeth before we leave for daycare and school and before bed.....every day.
We do with our toddler. She's young enough (15mo) to find it amusing, so she brushes her teeth when we do and loves to be in the bathroom with us brushing at the same time.
Ugh. No. We really need to start though...
I try but DS is 18mo and it is a battle - he won't even let me near him. Any tips for that?
Absolutely. I'm very firm about brushing TWICE a day. Plus, the kid has dragon breath in the morning! I would no sooner let her out of the house with morning breath than I would with snarly hair hanging in her eyes.
OMG totally no, I also do not change his diaper or get him dressed or feed him breakfast in the morning. I also don't bother to buckle the carseat.

It's all just so time consuming that I don't bother because life is about ME and I can't be bothered to get up 10 minutes earlier to take care of these things...I mean I feed him in the evening so it's totally cool to skip the morning feed? Right???
We are all just trying to do our best, I don't think the OP was looking for anyone to make her feel like a bad parent. No, I rarely remember to brush DC's teeth. It is a struggle to get a 2.5yr old & 6mo. old out the door. I focus on making sure he has a good breakfast & always brush his teeth b/f bed.
Do you use toothpaste?
Anonymous wrote:We are all just trying to do our best, I don't think the OP was looking for anyone to make her feel like a bad parent. No, I rarely remember to brush DC's teeth. It is a struggle to get a 2.5yr old & 6mo. old out the door. I focus on making sure he has a good breakfast & always brush his teeth b/f bed.

It takes 30 seconds and it is very important for your child's health, so no, if you fail to do it, you are not "doing your best."

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