
I hate homework. Mainly because I have two children that are only one grade apart (2nd & 3rdgrade) and I am the only one who does the homework with them. Their father works too late as we have a strict policy in our house that homework be done prior to dinner. So we start at 5:00pm, this giving the kids time to come home from school, have a snack and play some first.

Well, one of my kids sits right down and gets to business, and works diligently without any attitude/difficulty. The other one has issues and likes to sit and pout instead of just getting it done.

Just wondering how many other parents out there love the homework hour as much as I do...
I swear it's really homework for parents because none of my kids can do it on their own. It's the reason I always dread the start of school.
This is the OP.

Funny thing is, my one who does the homework SO WELL is my trouble maker at school, and the other child is the model school student when in school. So they literally reverse their roles at home.
We do homework straight after a snack. We use play time as incentive for getting the work done.
What is the purpose of homework done before dinner? You are not going to be able to sustain that when you get to things like Science Fair projects, research papers, etc. These bigger projects started for my son in Grade 4. Is the older or younger one the pouter? Do they do homework at the same table? If so, perhaps try separating them, work alone with the pouter and let the self-starter go to it on his/her own. Hang in there!
Right also shorter play time, start at 4 or 4:30.
I have a 3rd grader and also hate homework. I work FT and my nanny is in charge of homework. I check it over and help her put her bag together for the next day.
We have that arrangement, pp. The problem is that sometimes the Nanny doesn't understand the third grader's homework, so we end up helping her with it. She started AAP this year so it's a LOT more than it was last year.
I also hate the home work struggle. 4th and 5th graders are being WAAAAY over burdened. Teachers forget that in the better nebes the home environment id enriching enough. Its not as though we allow them to watch TV or do computer games on school nights. Geez they play cards board games, and run outside and READ. 20 minutes of homework a night is enough. The teachers at our kids school are giving 4th graders an hour of work a night. It is INSANE. Parents must rebel against this drilling--it is making them hate school.
I've got one who pouts about homework and one who sits and does it easily as well. What seems to work for us is to simply lay down the expectation that homework will be done, but not to dictate exactly when. 3rd grader doesn't want to disappoint and he wants to do well in school. Even though he doesn't do things when I think he should, he does get them done.

One more thing, I've got a 1st grader and a 3rd grader. They never have homework that they need my help with. If they don't understand something, they'll say so, but usually, the homework is simply replicating what they've been doing in school. We have made it clear that their homework is theirs. We had to do ours when we were their age; we already know the things they are learning.

Oh, and last yr, then 2nd grader started getting assignments that were 1 1/2 hours per night b/c teacher thought he needed more challenge. Needless to say, that caused a ton of tears. I eventually put an end to it and told the teacher that he wouldn't be doing it anymore. Definitely more of us should rebel at inappropriate levels of homework in elementary school.
Anonymous wrote:I also hate the home work struggle. 4th and 5th graders are being WAAAAY over burdened. Teachers forget that in the better nebes the home environment id enriching enough. Its not as though we allow them to watch TV or do computer games on school nights. Geez they play cards board games, and run outside and READ. 20 minutes of homework a night is enough. The teachers at our kids school are giving 4th graders an hour of work a night. It is INSANE. Parents must rebel against this drilling--it is making them hate school.[/quote]

Yes! Besides the fact that research shows that homework in ES is a waste of time, when kids start to hate school, homework becomes damaging. I won't let my 3rd and 5th graders do more than 30 minutes a night. Most teachers have been very understanding of this.
Honestly, I'd let the pouter do homework at a different time for a bit, and see if things improve. Ask them when they'd like to do it (e.g., after dinner instead of before) and see if it works for a week or so. Expressly state at the beginning that if they don't do it at their chosen time, it goes back to "your" chosen time.


Someone who really needed a mental break from school and loved doing homework after 7pm.
So in the poor "nebes" - and by that, I'm assuming you meant a shortened version of neighborhoods - you're assuming that parents don't care about their children's progress, nor do they care to "enrich" their lives with other activities? quite the ignorant statement, PP

An hour of homework a night will not kill a child. My daughter, who's in 1st grade, has anywhere from 20-30 minutes a night. Homework helps children develop good study habits, allows them to practice skills learned during the school day, and gives the teachers a way to assess progress in a fairly casual way.

My daughter loves school, by the way. Maybe your attitude toward good old fashioned school work is making your children hate school.

Anonymous wrote:I also hate the home work struggle. 4th and 5th graders are being WAAAAY over burdened. Teachers forget that in the better nebes the home environment id enriching enough. Its not as though we allow them to watch TV or do computer games on school nights. Geez they play cards board games, and run outside and READ. 20 minutes of homework a night is enough. The teachers at our kids school are giving 4th graders an hour of work a night. It is INSANE. Parents must rebel against this drilling--it is making them hate school.
OP, for my child in K, he does about half of the homework...too bad, I don't care, it is more than I ever did.
My 2nd grader does as much as she can, but I do the big projects, too bad again, just want to keep the teachers off my back. Every now and then I let her do something on her own, like a poster, and it is hilarious ( I don't LOL), but she goes off to school (merrily) with some kind of twisted overly glued mess. Then the teachers see reality.
Teacher need to cool it... enough with the posters and projects!!!1
Anonymous wrote:OP, for my child in K, he does about half of the homework...too bad, I don't care, it is more than I ever did.
My 2nd grader does as much as she can, but I do the big projects, too bad again, just want to keep the teachers off my back. Every now and then I let her do something on her own, like a poster, and it is hilarious ( I don't LOL), but she goes off to school (merrily) with some kind of twisted overly glued mess. Then the teachers see reality.
Teacher need to cool it... enough with the posters and projects!!!1

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