What actually “triggers” hot flashes?

I’m 45 and hot flashes started last week with aplomb! I’ve been waking up at night. I think they are perimenopause related but might also be thyroid related (I have family history).

I would love to hear from the real women of DCUM what works for them to lessen symptoms (other than HRT, I will discuss that with my doctor but would like to avoid).

Does avoiding caffeine and spicy foods actually do anything? Somehow I’m doubtful but willing to try…

What about OTC estrogen creams?

Other tips?
I think they suggest that alcohol worsens hot flashes
My gyn thinks that the low level of Prozac I am on may be helpful in reducing them
Anonymous wrote:I think they suggest that alcohol worsens hot flashes

Rarely get them at night, but if I do, it's when I had more that 2 glasses of wine.
For me they seem to just come on randomly, and in odd times like when I'm sitting completely still doing something sedentary - a time when I'd normally get cold - and all of a sudden I'm burning up and sweating. I've never identified a trigger.
I don't see why you would consider OTC estrogen cream and not HRT. Prescription HRT estrogen can come in a gel or patch, so that's topical as well.

I get them with my period (always have; I used to think total temperature disregulation was a normal thing and was shocked others didn’t deal with it monthly) and I find lots of showers helps. Shower before bed, shower in the morning, quick showers throughout the day if necessary. I don’t know if it actually helps helps or just makes me feel less gross but it does make be feel better. Oh and switching to a duvet rather than sheets/blankets on my bed — easier to kick on and off as my temperature switches around.
Anonymous wrote:I don't see why you would consider OTC estrogen cream and not HRT. Prescription HRT estrogen can come in a gel or patch, so that's topical as well.

I will, I am just waiting for an appointment. The OTC is in the meantime because they just came on so suddenly and have been relentless. I can kind of ignore them and move on during the day but they are waking me up.

To the other PPs, thank you.

I haven’t had any alcohol in over two weeks, but good to know to stay away or at least save it for the first half of the cycle since it seems they are worse in the luteal phase.
I had a bunch that seemed to correlate with low blood sugar. So I tried not to get too hungry or dehydrated.
Anonymous wrote:I think they suggest that alcohol worsens hot flashes

I have to say I quit alcohol for sleep related issues and my hot flashes are almost non existent now. I am not on any meds.
Alcohol, caffeine, acute stress are my triggers.
My gyno told me to take black cohosh and vit b supplements. Also make sure you get enough calcium in your diet. I was caffeine free due to heart palpitations and slept a lot better than most of my friends because of it (even a small cup of coffee in the morning would impact my sleep at night).

For me full menopause was So Much Better than peri!
The hot flashes and night sweats were really bad for me. The only thing that worked was HRT (estradiol + progesterone), which has worked really well.

I heard a school of medicine ob-gyn faculty member tell her students that black cohosh can be effective, so I tried that first. Unfortunately it didn't work for me. But you could try it.
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