4-year says forehead hurts

My 4 YO has been periodically mentioning that his head hurts (specifically his forehead) for the past couple of days. It doesn't really seem to bother him and he acts/plays normally. He's been dealing with seasonal allergies recently, though that seems much better this week, and he also had a cold recently. He's been somewhat congested.

I don't think he's ever told me his head hurts before. Do you think it could be related to the allergies or a sinus issue? I will take him to the pediatrician if it persists, but just curious what you all think.
Could be allergies. Could be dehydration.
99.9% it's nothing. My kids have had headaches over the years.

My 2 year old was hospitalized for Pot puffy tumor -- which is infection in the forehead sinus gland. Admitted on overnight antibiotics for 48 hours. Her forehead however was very noticeably swelled and CT scan showed swelling so they just treated it.
My six year old too! Forehead a few weeks ago and then got a cold and terrible forehead pain again. Went away w Motrin.
Probably a sinus headache from allegies. I would go to an ent and just get it all looked at. Also figure out if allergy meds would help. Mine have largr adenoids we are not removing but they act up in allergy season so its zyrtec and benadril for us for a month.
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