Clomid as treatment before other ART

Recently met with Shady Grove. It sounds like they recommend doing up to 3x IUI before trying IVF, and do not recommend trying clovid or similar med alone initially. Have you worked with any RE providers that recommended something a bit different/more tiered? Meaning, suggesting just medical intervention with a medication like Clomid first before moving on to IUI/IVF.
SG started with meds alone for me. It depends on your individual diagnosis and maybe on your doctor. Did you ask them why they recommended starting with IUI?
There is a higher chance of success with IUI. Takes the timing out of it and accounts for minor sperm issues sometime. I would not take clomid unmonitored. I know 4 sets of people with multiples from doing that - three with twins and one with triplets.
Yes the reason they want to do IUI is because unmonitored clomid is exactly how you end up with higher order multiples. If they are doing the insemination, they can scan you and call it off if you have too many mature follicles.
What’s your issue? Shady grove is a factory. Good if you have standard issues. I wouldn’t do this if you have DOR.
Anonymous wrote:There is a higher chance of success with IUI. Takes the timing out of it and accounts for minor sperm issues sometime. I would not take clomid unmonitored. I know 4 sets of people with multiples from doing that - three with twins and one with triplets.

The odds of success are actually quite low with iui, and I found it to be a colossal waste of time, and more importantly, mental energy.
Anonymous wrote:Recently met with Shady Grove. It sounds like they recommend doing up to 3x IUI before trying IVF, and do not recommend trying clovid or similar med alone initially. Have you worked with any RE providers that recommended something a bit different/more tiered? Meaning, suggesting just medical intervention with a medication like Clomid first before moving on to IUI/IVF.

Doing unmonitored IUI while using clomid is almost criminal. Do not go to any place that recommends this.
I’m not sure why you’d want to start with meds alone, to be honest. IUI only has a few monitoring appointments and the procedure itself is quick and easy. SGF might do timed intercourse (with monitoring) if you request. I’d be way too worried about multiples to be unmonitored on clomid.

I did one try with Clomid and became pregnant with a single pregnancy. He is now 11 years old. Yes, it increases the risk of multiples but it is not guaranteed.
I don’t know why everyone thinks OP means unmonitored Clomid, but OP if that’s what you want, everyone is right there’s no way SGF would let you do it unmonitored. They’ll do monitored Clomid cycles if you want to start there instead of IUI. IUI success rates aren’t much higher. But really OP, having just gone through this, I wouldn’t waste a lot of time or emotional energy on TI/IUI before moving to IVF.
Anonymous wrote:I did one try with Clomid and became pregnant with a single pregnancy. He is now 11 years old. Yes, it increases the risk of multiples but it is not guaranteed.

My experience too.
My OB gave me letrozole (unmonitored). Only you can weigh the cost/benefits for you but anecdotally I am now pregnant with a singleton
Not sure if this is helpful, but we loved CCRM! We went straight to IVF though - that just made the most sense for us.
I would do letrozole. If you want to give timed sex an option push back and they will unless there is an issue with the sperm
Cfa will do ( and suggested for me) timed intercourse. We opted for iui- It is exactly the same until insemination ( and they encouraged and we did have sex plenty in the days leading up too so who knows which sperm made it to the egg which is my now child. Iui is very minor procedure, the monitoring and blood draws are more intense. I see zero benefit of TI over iui. ( have had 5 iui, 2 pregnancies from it, 1 live birth, 1 miscarraige).
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