When did you...

Hi All--
I'm pregnant with my first baby, due in May, and I'm wondering when other moms-to-be started with all the 'to-dos': found a pediatrician, found/attended a birth class; registered for baby gear; interviewed and booked a doula.

Thanks for your advice!
I'm due at the beginning of March and during the past few weeks I met with a pediatrician, ordered furniture, took a birthing class and registered. Today I ordered the bedding. I know it might seem a little early but I'm worried that I'll loose my motivation and energy after holidays. My DH thinks I'm a nut.
I never registered for baby gear, but we did buy crib, stroller and other basics a couple of months before my son was born. We asked the OB for pediatrician recommendations at 38 weeks. We also took a birthing class two months before the due date (that may have been early) and I registered for it about two months before that. We did not end up hiring a doula, but I did look into it starting at about 5 months of pregnancy, then did nothing for a while and then we interviewed one at 36 weeks. You still have plenty of time for everything. Good luck and congratulations.
I had my first in May of this year. I did all the stuff you identify starting in January and had plenty of time. However, found a daycare right around New Year's day.
I had a May baby too (as in 6 months ago). I didn't really get motivated until the 3rd trimester. Then the nesting instinct kicked in! My hubby got some good laughs at my silly cleaning, organizing, ordering, registering, etc. It was fun though.

I signed up for the baby care and birth express class about three months before for a class a month before my delivery date - classes tend to fill up fast.

I found a ped. a week before I went into labor.

I took the maternity tour about three weeks before I was due.

Good luck and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I remember how wonderful I felt this time last year!
Thanks everyone! This is great advice. I am feeling great--which is amazing since I was miserable in my first trimester. I thought it would never end. I guess I can continue to slack on this stuff for a while longer. Pfew!
I'm expecting a second and based on my experience with the first, I will be all set up in advance this time. You sounds like you have a couple of months, but I totally recommend being prepared - not only orderign furniture but setting it all up! My husband and I were one of the ones installing our car seat at the hospital to take baby home and, once home we have no where set up to change him or put him to sleep. Believe me it was no fun trying to do it all while getting use to a new baby!
You can order furniture early and not have it delivered until you ask for it. It can take a few weeks (months) for some things but the necessities right after birth are pretty easy. I would do things as you feel like them. Some are planners and enjoy the planning - others don't feel great a certain periods and don't feel comfotrable doing things too early. I gave most of the equipment' research for my husband to do. He loved the book Baby BArgins as it has a lot of great suggestions on when to spend a little more for quality and when (and where) to go for the best deal. Even if you are like me ( I ended up on bed rest) you can do many, many things from the (relative) comfort of your bedroom.
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