Pediatric sedation dentist in NoVa??

PLEASE advise - has anyone used a pediatric dentist in Northern Virginia (or D.C.) that does sedation dentistry? Our regular dentist doesn't do it, and he's suggesting we should go to a hospital (like Howard) in case something goes wrong - I'm open to that, but other suggestions/advice are welcome as well! My 4-year-old son has to have significant work on his teeth and we did one quadrant in our dentist's office and he won't go back now. Help!!
Niloo? People love her.
Be sure he really has that many cavities. Dentists can charge a lot of money for unnecessary work. Remember, the dentist in Md. who had his license suspended? Get a second opinion if to find out how many cavities he has. Ask for the xrays and make sure they match up with the second opinion. There is a doctor in nova on N. Glebe who takes financial advantage of parents with kids and their cavities. I don't remember his name. Just the bldg. We go to Dr. Christine Reardon in Arlington who I believe to be honest and very good. I am not sure how she handles cavities because we haven't had any yet. But, if we do. I will get still xrays and double check with my dentist to confirm how many. The last thing I want is to put my kid through needless pain.
OP here - very good advice, and yes, my son's teeth have been checked by two different dentists and I've seen the x-rays (and can see some of the decay when I just look into his mouth). I had heard mixed things about Reardon but that's a good rec, and I'll check out the other one too.

Anyone else?? I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one who has ever had to deal with this.
We love Dr Niloo (as mentioned by the PP). She's in Oakton.

Also, check out Dr. Jack Weil in Vienna. I've heard he's a great pediatric dentist.
We use Dr. Jeff Davis in Tysons. Not sure about the sediation though.
22:09 here. We use Dr. Jeff Davis because two of my neighbors recommended him. One neighbor's DD had a root canal and refused to go back to their old dentist. Another neighbor's child had issues with dentists as well, but has no problems with Dr. Davis. They try to be very comforting to the children and call "xrays" pictures, have many flavors of vitamins (flouride), and many flavors of toothpaste (cleaner). They actually give out a sheet on how to help your child have pleasant dental experience when you schedule the first appt. They give out balloons and tokens for a gumball machine at the end of the visit. The dentist chair has movies playing in the overhead light, not during the cleanings though. Also, when the dentist is doing the exam, he says that he is going to "count" how many teeth your child has. Highly recommend Stacy for the hygienist
Ditto for Dr. Niloo
Niloo also. She's amazing. We had been to a a couple of others and nobody compares. In fact, things have gone so well with her - that my DC no longer needs sedation. Just nitrous. My DC is SN and has major oral sensitivities - and I can tell you - Niloo is just gifted.
I am the PP. Just to note - keep in mind- sedation for dentistry probably won't be covered if you do it in the office (which is Niloo's specialty). YOu have to pay OOP most likely. I believe one of the advantages of doing this in a hospital OR (general anaesthesia) is that your insurance is likely to pay. I was really uncomfortable with the general anaesthesia (sp??) OR for my DC, so we opted to pay out of pocket - but something to look into /consider as you weigh your options. Good luck with everything!
My DS also has lots of cavities and the dentist recommended general anesthesia in the hospital. I am getting 2nd opinion, but they also recommend stainless steel crown on two of the larger cavities...and that's his first set of teeth!
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