Bleeding in late second tri

I'm 26 weeks pg with #2, and I had a little bleeding today. Went to the OB (baby seems fine) and will get a US tomorrow, but I wanted to hear from other moms who experienced this. How did your pregnancy progress? I do have low-lying placenta (not previa), so that certainly could explain it....

Just wanted to wish you the best with your U.S. If it gives you any peace of mind, I've had bleeding off and on throughout my pregnancy (am 30 weeks now) and keep getting encouraging news that baby is fine when i get ultrasounds. Had a subchorionic hemorrhage early on, it seemed to have resolved, but then started bleeding a bit again this week. Again, US shows healthy baby. I know that any bleeding, especially as you get farther along, can be scary. Just try to take good care of yourself and not freak out too much.
I'm 28 weeks and also have been bleeding (more spotting) off and on since the very beginning. They think the bleeding is the result of a cervical polyp but I've had not definitive explanation. All is well with the babay although I still get nervous everytime I wipe after going to the bathroom. Hang in there.
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i bled when I was pregnant, around that time. And the dr said that it was normal and ok if the blood was dark (old blood coming out). But if it is bright and red, that means something is freshly bleeding, in which case you should get checked out.
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